The Morning Sunrise

Dawn’s Rosy Glow

Qaiser Khan
Good Vibes Club


The Morning Sunrise
Photo by Todd Trapani on Unsplash

Rosy fingers reach across the sky
Lifting darkness, waking earth below
Gold and crimson, orange, pink on high
As sunlight chases night’s fading glow

Dewdrops shimmer like a myriad gems
Adorning each green blade with care
Zephyrs stir to rouse the waking dreams
Of warblers singing notes so fair

The rising sun gifts all with its light
Banishing shadows of the night before
A new day dawns in glories bright
Nature’s beauty to behold once more

What mysteries will this new morn unfold
As gifts of sunlight flow, hour by hour
What joys, what blessings yet untold
In dawn’s enchantments hold their power

Dawn’s light lifts my heart on high
With hopes stirring in sunlight’s gleam
Darkness fades with morning nigh
Each new day brings joy’s warm beam

Qaiser Khan

Old Diaries,

Written on Nov 1, 2022.



Qaiser Khan
Good Vibes Club

Devoted cooking enthusiast, poet, blogger, and content writer