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The Ostrich

Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2023


Staring down, fire in her eye, beak poised. I’d stopped, had to, an opportunity I just could not pass on.

Like so many of the roads out here going seemingly to nowhere in particular, mountains soar, skies blue, a few lonely clouds accompany me. Often, less these days as I’m otherwise occupied, I’d find myself on the road less traveled, make a left as opposed to that expected right.

It’s an interesting phenomenon, something I recall from when young, flash your brights, warn those heading into the presumable danger. Most often it was the fuzz they’d be telling on, a speed trap or something equally evil, but not always as was the case today. As an aside, nowhere in the driver’s test will there be any reference to this behavior. It, like so much in life, is acquired, acquired as a part of something, never put down on paper ala the In-N-Out Secret Menu. I must say I was somewhat bummed upon discovering, through one of my crosswords no less, that MacDonalds has co-opted this holy not-so-secrect, secret which I’d understood to be the sole domain of the, much cooler now, In-N-Out Burger chain.

Now where was I? Ah yes, her eye, black and angry as I approach. It’s not surprising in the least given, a few feet in front, two of her offspring, cute in their largess, not the least bit intimidating, that will come later no doubt. So this is what the flashing brights was all about, noble indeed.

Her towering physique ever more apparent as I, with some vigor, evacuate soon to be flashing, my headlights that is, boldly to the oncoming traffic.

I was going to do one of those loops, tying back to those pesky fast food devils, mention ostrich burgers featured only on the super-secret menu but decided, since I’m pescatarian, against it.



Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club

My way of getting words on paper. Not too much editing, just thoughts, feelings, anything that strikes on the day. Images are mine, mostly.