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The Perfect Earworm
And it’s not even a song
First —
You realize opening this voluntarily is like signing up to be a test subject in a torture chamber, right?
I warned you, it’s an earworm.
An earworm is a snippet of sound — be it a song, phrase, or jingle — that hijacks your brain, looping endlessly even when you’re not actively listening. It’s also known as “stuck song syndrome.”
Still here?
Okay, then, I promise this earworm, although not a song or jingle is perfect. That’s right, it’s perfect.
I mean it, it’s perfect.
The word, perfect.
Come on, I can’t be the only one driven mad by this overpopular word. I keep wondering — who sent the mass email proclaiming “perfect” as our new “go-to” word for everything?
Keep in mind, it’s always said, sing-song style — perrrrfect.
Example A
Hostess: How many?
Hubby and I: Two, please.
Hostess: Perrrrfect
Example B