The Plan

Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2023
Creative Skills Factory

Well, it’s almost time. Getting a bit anxious, it’s a long trip. Ever try to pack, in a couple of suitcases, stuff that will keep one going for a year or so?

Yes, I considered shipping stuff but it’s hardly worth it since regular mail, more often than not, doesn’t seem to find its target. FedEx, UPS, are exorbitant. It’s easier to just take cash and buy whatever is needed once there. There being The Cape, South Africa.

I was born there, inland in a town called Germiston, not the Cape. Who knows. had it been the Cape, I may have never left, with its stunning, unparalleled beauty, and fairly moderate weather.

Things were different in my early years, the regime pretty much evil incarnate. A major transition took place during the time I was away. I’d remained away for decades, not paying much attention to what was taking place then, finally making a return for an extended stay last year, curious to see how I would feel, see where the country had taken itself. I was disappointed, to say the least, an opportunity missed.

My feelings, the ones I thought I’d be feeling coming home, never materialized, not until I made an impromptu visit to a school in a remote-ish area. A cousin I’d not seen for a long time insisted I come by and pay them a visit.

His wife is fully committed to a project she started about 10 years ago bringing arts to the schools. The project is know as The Creative Skills Factory ( check it out.

The first school I visited, they’re in a few schools around the area, was located adjacent to a shanty town which, sadly, are still not uncommon in this country, a country blessed with intrinsic wealth. Sadly again, the wealth has in large part, been absconded with leaving many to fend for themselves.

To say I was taken by the beaming smiles on these young, mostly underprivileged, souls is an understatement. We are a resilient species, able to make the best of our lot, or a case of what you don’t know. Whatever it may be I felt I wanted to make a contribution, be a part of something making a difference in young people’s lives.

CSF Image

The decision made, I’m fortunate to be able to be returning soon.

Well, it’s soon now, school in South Africa is on a calendar year started mid-January, looking forward to getting to work.

I’ll continue to post about the project in the hopes that some out there would be willing to make contributions to the cause. Supplies in particular are costly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

One of the first tasks will be to arrange a way for contributions from the US. At this point it’s difficult to negotiate the financial systems in South Africa so we will look at arranging an account in the US then wire the funds. If you are interested please contact me so I can keep you posted on the best way to proceed.

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Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club

My way of getting words on paper. Not too much editing, just thoughts, feelings, anything that strikes on the day. Images are mine, mostly.