Nonfiction | Life lessons | Society

The Power of Connection and Heartfelt Reflections

A day volunteering at a daycare home

Sam Letterwood
Good Vibes Club


Refreshing flowers
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Stumbling through the doors, my whole body humming with excitement and nerves.

The moment when I stepped in — the fragrance of compassion combined with a faint hint of lavender laced my nostrils as my heart filled me with brimming enthusiasm for that coming day.

My hands were clammy, and forehead broke out in perspiration. Lots of self-doubt gnawed at the back of my mind. And yet, here I was, my words were scarcely out of my mouth.

I could almost feel the sighs of relief floating around in the air.

“Good morning, everyone!” I called out, urging forth a little cheer as I greeted people.

Some faces turned to look at me, wearing a smile and some growing ever blanker in confusion.

I heaved a big sigh for all of them; what good did any artifice by me make them at this time?

All day long, as I entered the elders’ room, I assisted them with household chores.

Played cards and chatted with the residents. It was an old woman in her ‘70s named Mrs. Jenkins who caught my attention.

As she sat alone in the corner, her hands trembled as she tried to put a jigsaw puzzle together properly.

“Do you mind if I join in?” I ask her.

Her eyes softened with appreciation as she looked up at me.

“I’d love to have you,” she responded gently, her voice delicate yet warm.

Through the work of the puzzle together: her life opened up to me in an intimate fashion, letting down stories of love and disappointment that almost had me in tears.

“I sometimes wonder if I’ve made a difference in this world,” she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her words made me ache inside as I grasped and held her hand gently.

“I rather think that you have made a difference to me,” I whispered back, feeling an upsurge of emotion.

I stumbled upon sharp moments of pain and fleeting happiness all day long.

From filling in the last few words for Mr. Thompson in his crossword puzzle to just sharing a laugh with Mrs. Patel over some green tea, each encounter etched deeply into my soul.

Looking at the sunset and the afterglow, I found it hard to leave all my new friends. My city no longer felt the same. I gained new perspectives of compassion, care and life in general.

I left my friends with a promise to visit them again. I could not help but start to think that even if such an effort proved only marginally beneficial it had still produced some effect. They all deserve a much better life and care for sure.

You may also read this story on ways to make the world a better place.



Sam Letterwood
Good Vibes Club

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner