The Power of Kindness!

fran rooks
Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2023


Kindness is an Old English word, kyndnes, derived from the Middle English kindness meaning “courtesy.” World Kindness Day is celebrated annually, and this year is November 13, 2023. However, we should all practice it daily to improve the world by helping each other, especially when the other person least expects it.

Kindness binds us together and overcomes the divisions of politics, race, religion, and gender. Would love to see more kindness from politicians instead of constant bickering and name-calling.

Here Are Some Ideas To Be Kind:

  • Hold the door for someone else
  • Ask a stranger about their day
  • Write a note on a receipt
  • Let someone in front of you into traffic
  • Pick up litter
  • Pay the toll for someone behind you
  • Complement the first three people you see
  • Place uplifting notes on restroom mirrors, or someone’s locker

A Few Notable Acts Of Kindness:



fran rooks
Good Vibes Club

As I get older and older I realize just how much I didn't know. But, since I retired, I have time to research and learn.