The Spider

Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club
2 min readMay 1, 2023


At times the picture tells a better story that, however, applies solely to appearance, no underbelly revealed. The obvious, titled, arachnid perched, (do spiders perch?) strategically adjacent a light source (who says we don’t assist) enwrapped in an array of golden spidey stuff, an apparent trait of this particular, harmless to us anyway, beast.

[Full Name: Golden Orb Spider (Family Nephilidae) Other names: Goue Wawielwebspinnekop Classification: HARMLESS

These large spiders are well known in South Africa for their magnificent golden webs. The webs are huge, often spanning a large area between bushes. The web is strong, and we have seen small birds trapped in the webs. The female spiders are large, and the web often contains multiple spiders. The Golden orbs usually have black legs and a yellow to white abdomen. They are harmless to humans and pets.]

Credit to:

Sadly a Google search link — How to kill this, well-armed creepy crawly.

It moved, it’s in my sights as I type away, (not really something I can, as yet, do simultaneously) the real activity apparently occurring at night based on observation. Floating, long partly furry appendages dancing, all the while sharing the load. We dream of a second pair of arms, what could we do with a set of those, opposable thumbs a must.

Look closely, its back a veritable hieroglyph, some ancient message yet to be deciphered?

Note: Would have been easy to veer down the ‘it’s a bot road’. I do want that job observing, understanding every nuance in order to incorporate their inherent gifts.



Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club

My way of getting words on paper. Not too much editing, just thoughts, feelings, anything that strikes on the day. Images are mine, mostly.