The Transition Into The Psychological Tricks Into FEARLESSNESSšŸ¦¹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

The Top Secret Art Of Getting Back Your Happiness

Good Vibes Club
4 min readSep 11, 2023


Photo by Saeed Karimi on Unsplash

So I recently got fortunate to have an opportunity to take time and read ā€œThe Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F@#&,ā€ and man, was it enlightening. First, I will tell you that out of ALL THE SELF-HELP books I have read, I will say it is the best of them all!

However, the book does come with a lot of significant flaws. If you listen to it and have a good amount of experience in life, you might cringe at a couple of chapters. But either way, before I tear anything down, I will always build it up.

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

But the main point I want to get across is that this book was another excellent self-help book I recommend to everyone. Because it helps you understand what 90% of life is and how you should deal with it to gain more ā€œpowerā€ in life.

But here is when the book started to go sour on me. So yes, becoming a problem solver in your and other peopleā€™s lives is fantastic. I get it; you have many issues, like we all do, right? But here is the BIG PROBLEM, no pun intended. The problem with this guideline or theory is that what if, and I do mean what if. But what if you would like to become ā€œThe Problem.ā€

Photo by Dex Ezekiel on Unsplash

Now, I know youā€™re saying, huh? What in the baby Jesus is he talking about? Why would I want to be another problem in peopleā€™s lives? Well, first, when I say this, I want you to truly understand that I am not trying to be mean or funny. But you are technically already a problem in somebodyā€™s eyes.

So think about it when you drive from work during 5 oā€™clock traffic. You are technically in somebodyā€™s way from getting home quicker. Or letā€™s say you see a pretty girl eating, but you would like to interrupt her delicious meal so that you can introduce yourself and potentially mess up her world. So whether itā€™s in a good or bad way, you are still messing up her world. So shocking news people, ā€˜ WE ARE ALL PROBLEMSā€."

So, now you are probably saying, ā€œWell, I guess we are all problems.ā€ But why in the H E double hockey sticks would I want to be a bigger problem in peopleā€™s lives? Again, if you have been following me for a while now, my friend, the answer is quite elementary. You will eventually get tired or blown out if you constantly focus on solving the problem. And let me explain because Iā€™m sure hearing all the new knowledge can be jaw-dropping.

So think about it when Michael Jordan Team won their 4th Championship and 72 games in that regular season. Do you think they were really worried about losing? I will give you a quick answer. Hell No! And to provide you with a quick stat for geeks and Greeks.

So not only did the Bulls have the best player in basketball at that time, but on average, they beat their opponents by 11 points every game. So, if Iā€™m Phil Jackson, Michael Jordan, or any other player on that team, why in the hell would I fear or worry about somebody else, which again is another problem? When if you sit down and think about it, I AM THE BIGGEST PROBLEM.


It wouldnā€™t make sense to fear anything or worry about fixing any unforeseen problem when I am the biggest problem. So when youā€™re thinking like that, that is absolute confidence. Like that right there is real power.

So, if you want that type of power or confidence in your life, please follow us in the next article. Where, we will discuss some of the steps to gain that real power! And P.S., if you would like me to explain why ā€œThe Subtle Art Of Not Giving F#*&ā€ was a great book, but it couldā€™ve been better. Write in the comments, ā€œGive us the teaā€. And down the line, I will do a ā€œbreakdownā€™ā€ of how the book could been a little bit better for people. Even though Iā€™m pretty sure it has helped more than enough people.

So Thanks Again For Listening

Sincerely Yours Truly,

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