The Universe Is Always Speaking To You

Ashley P
Good Vibes Club
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2023
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

As a society of people used to always doing something, it’s difficult to recognize and pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around us. Being busy and distracted causes many to function in a state of constant hyperactivity.

I used to be that person. I always had something to do. An unattainable list of things to check off the list. I felt guilty when I slowed down because it was ingrained in me to work hard. Too much downtime was a sign of laziness. God forbid I wanted to sleep in. All of this was considered normal.

Thankfully as I went deeper into my spiritual journey, I l learned that I had to slow down for both my relationship with the Universe and my mental and physical well-being.

There are things that you too can do to begin to do to slow yourself down, intentionally. These things will help you begin to see and hear how the universe is constantly speaking to you. It will transform your relationship with the Divine and with yourself.

Thank Your Guides

In the morning, I like to get up and thank the universe for another day before I get out of bed. Expressing gratitude helps me set the tone for my day. I thank my guides and ask what is my assignment for today. I look at each day as me fulfilling my purpose and work on the Earth. As I tune in and listen for clues, my daily work is revealed to me.

Set My Intentions

Another thing I like to do is set the intention that I will capture the moments that the universe is speaking to me. You can do this as well. When you set the daily intention of capturing messages from Spirit, you will receive guidance and recognize Spirit speaking to you. The beautiful thing about setting this intention is that no matter how busy you get, you’ll still be aware of the communication you’re having with the Universe.

Being Present

Being in the present moment allows you to be fully immersed into what is currently happening. It requires a focus on the now, not thinking of things of the past and not worrying or contemplating the future. This takes time to develop because our mind likes to drift and is conditioned to be busy.

Ways The Universe Speaks To Us

The Universe speaks to us in so many ways. Nature is a huge indicator of the universe speaking to us and sending us signs. Many people witness certain animals, insects, or images in the clouds and they know it’s a sign from the Universe.

At a pivotal time in my life when things were really transforming, butterflies constantly crossed my path. I would see wasps a lot as well in odd places. To understand the spiritual meaning I would research the spiritual significance of each animal or insect. Each time I looked up the meaning it was exactly what was happening in my life.

Another way the universe speaks to you is through videos and television shows. I know that may sound odd, but I cannot tell you the number of times that I’ve thought of something I desire or questioned something and the answer came right to me through a video. Herbs that helped me heal would appear to me right as I was thinking about needing to heal an ailment. This still amazes me.

Music and songs are yet another medium the Universe speaks through. I love music. I love music that spans different genres and decades. At times, I will wake up and songs are playing in my head. The songs relate to a circumstance occurring in my life or to a message I need to receive.

When you set the intention and when you begin building your relationship with the universe, the universe speaks and it speaks constantly. The key to receiving the messages is to slow down and be in tune with the universe. Limit as many distractions as you can either internally or externally and to be open to hearing from the Universe.

Mental and Emotional healing is challenging. I know because I too had to and continue to heal many areas of my life. Gaining an understanding of my spiritual nature through inner work and personal practices is what helped me and I am confident that with guidance it can help you too.

In order to assist you on your healing journey, I’ve created a free 5-day audio series for mental and emotional help and healing through spirituality during times of uncertainty. When you sign up and confirm your request, you’ll receive the series directly to your inbox for the next 5 days. Click here to sign up.



Ashley P
Good Vibes Club

I share spiritual messages to help you through your spiritual awakening, healing and ascension. Spirituality changed my life and it will change yours too.