The Wagging Lesson: Lessons On Forgiveness By Dogs

Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2024
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Anger, hurt, and resentment sting, as everybody has experienced. But clinging to those negative emotions makes us heavy. Let us introduce our animal companions, the epitomes of unconditional love and protectors of mercy. Our furry best friends can help us along the way as we learn to let go and enjoy serenity in the following ways:

1. Grudge-Free Greetings: Picture yourself unintentionally stomping on your dog’s tail. They may give an initial yelp, but whatever remains of displeasure is quickly replaced by a wagging tail and beseeching eyes. Dogs don’t think back on previous actions; rather live in the moment. They serve as a reminder that harboring resentment can only cause us suffering.

2. The Joy of Forgiveness: Dogs tend to bow, wag their tails, and give delicate sniffs as a sign of the end of a playful fight. They realize that a relationship need not be defined by conflict. This teaches us to look for common ground and heal connections after clashes.

3. Forgiveness Promotes Happiness: Letting go of negativity allows us to enjoy happiness and relationships, much like an activity after an error that has been forgiven. Keeping grudges prevents us from having good experiences and is bad for our emotional health. Dogs are living examples of the freedom and joy that come with forgiveness because of their contagious enthusiasm.

4. It’s All About Moving Forward: Your dog doesn’t care whether you are anxious or late after you come home after an exhausting day. They greet you with the same boundless enthusiasm and love. It encourages us to keep our attention on the here and now rather than drowning in the past. Let go of the things you cannot alter and proceed with hope.

5. Forgiveness is a Gift, Not a Duty: Remember forgiving isn’t about condoning the action; it’s more about letting go of the bad emotions. It’s a gift you give to yourself, just like your dog loves you unconditionally despite all of your imperfections.

So, keep your dog’s example with you every single time you find anger or hatred brewing. Let it go, establish a connection, and carry on as if nothing was wrong. Living a happier, healthier life for yourself and those around you could be encouraged by forgiveness.

