The Wind is Wild
Writing inspired by the wind
It’s been extremely windy here in deep south Texas. So windy in fact that our camper awning ripped off the camper. Praise God for insurance. $5,800 later, we have a nice new retractable awning with new metal arms. But be assured it won’t be left out on windy days anymore.
The wind is gusting up to 40 mph again today and I was inspired to write about it. Whether you have noticed or not, I have not been writing much lately. I broke my right ankle and have been fighting off depression. I’ve been reading a lot, crocheting some, and watching movies. But only when I write is everything okay in life.
The wind is wild, it tears the trees,
It howls and races and blows the leaves.
It sweeps the sky, the clouds, the day
Perhaps it’ll blow my gloom away.
Oh, mighty gust, so fierce and free,
Take all my sorrows far from me.
Carry them off where I can’t see,
And leave my heart at peace to be.
May the wind be ever at your back.
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