This made me believe in "Destiny"

Kajal Kamani
Good Vibes Club
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2024

There is a difference between reading about it & starting to believe in it.

An image of Priscilla Du Preez from Unsplash

Picture this: India, where sister-in-laws getting along is rarer than finding a four-leaf clover in a haystack.

But hold onto your hats, because my sister-in-law and I flipped the script on that stereotype faster than you can say "Bollywood drama."

Back in the ancient era of 2011 (well, it feels ancient now), fate decided to play matchmaker and introduce us through a mutual college friend.

Little did I know, she was practically my next-door neighbor! I guess we aced the classic "small world" moment.

So, using the popular and much-needed social media platforms back then, Orkut(RIP) and Facebook, we dove headfirst into a whirlwind of chats, car rides in her trusty polo, and jam sessions to the catchiest tunes around.

Some of our most favourites were Akcent, Mr. Saxobeat, and a healthy dose of Bollywood beats.

As our friendship blossomed faster than Jack's beanstalk, we became inseparable. We weathered storms together, like two sailors on a ship in a sea of uncertainty.

I still have this moment captured in my mind when you gifted me multiple small jars that has little, sweet, love-filled messages in them. Little yet meaningful gifts like these are all I crave for and you knew it.

But then, plot twist: my birthday in 2013 turned into a soap opera moment.

Amidst the birthday shenanigans, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling of doubt. "Will you ever leave me?" I asked & you clearly said, "NO". I asked you once again and you said "No".

Spoiler alert: it didn't go as planned.

Fast forward a few months, and our friendship hit a speed bump the size of Mount Everest. Trust was shattered, promises were broken, and suddenly we were like two ships passing in the night. But destiny wasn't done with us yet.

We promised each other that we will never use social media again for the sake of security reasons and I was under the same impression but little did I know that she was secretly active on social media, posting, liking, commenting, sharing.

When she was on a small trip with her family and relatives, something hit my intuitive mind that I should once go check the social media platform with her full name.

To my surprise, I found her account to be active.

When she came back, I confronted her as to what made her lie to me for this silly thing and many more huge things, of course. She said, "I cannot take it anymore. I need a break from your controlling nature. I need to live free on my own terms."

That was it. I couldn't accept she was giving up on me but I was left with no other option.

Months passed by, we didn't keep in touch. I kept on thinking day and night about her, missing all the moments we spent together.

One day, I saw her hand fractured and that made me text her again.

Despite the twists and turns, our bond endured, evolving into something even stronger than before. It's like fate hit the reset button and gave us a second chance at friendship.

I made sure not to commit the same mistake again of interfering in her life, controlling her. Even though, all I thought was good for her.

Over time, my brother confessed that he liked her and I was shocked as they never even said Hi to each other. I realised that he was serious about her.

He asked me if I would be okay accepting her as family after all that happened between us. To be quite honest, I wasn't okay. I hated that situation. But I couldn't be selfish. I said Yes.

Families met, things got finalized and yes, my fasts for her coincidentally turned out to be true. My best friend became my family eventually and how.

Initially, I hadn't accepted her as family. We used to be ever ready to hold each other's necks but with time, as we got matured, understood each other, let go of our insecurities, we started liking each other.

Nowadays, you'll find us as thick as thieves, with a bond so tight even superglue would be jealous. Our relationship is less "sister-in-law" and more "partner-in-crime," complete with epic fights and heart-to-heart chats that could rival any Bollywood blockbuster.

So, the next time someone tells you sister-in-laws can't get along, just smile and nod, because we're living proof that destiny has a wicked sense of humor. Who knows? Maybe your own story of unlikely friendship is just waiting to be written.



Kajal Kamani
Good Vibes Club

I love reading life stories. I either like to relate myself with the story or save it as an inspiration for later. Writer | Learner.