Two Bad-Assed Women, My Sister and I

That’s the title that we just won fair and square

Trisha Faye
Good Vibes Club
Published in
6 min readJun 8, 2024


My sister and I have a running debate. We each claim that the other one is “Best Sister Ever!” We’ve been going back and forth on this for many years. Although, honestly, I feel that I got to hand her the title a while back when I found a greeting card that had right on the front — BEST SISTER EVER.

She says that doesn’t count and that I’m the Best Sister Ever.

But now I can come out and proudly proclaim in writing for all the world to see — MY SISTER is the Best Sister Ever!

She just drove a 20’ foot U-Haul, pulling a car carrier with my car aboard from north Texas to south Arizona! Two days of driving, almost a thousand miles, and countless pit stops later — we pulled up in front of my son’s work in Sierra Vista, Arizona.

When I was planning on moving to Arizona, I was going to be driving the U-Haul myself. My son couldn’t get off work. Spring/early summer is the busiest time of year in the bike shop. So, I was going to pack and drive the U-Haul — U-Haul only. I was going to leave the car in the driveway, as with my eyesight I…



Trisha Faye
Good Vibes Club

Writes about life, looking for the good & remaining positive — with a dose of kitty love sprinkled in. My publications —WRITER’S ZEN & GOOD VIBES CLUB