Shubha Apte
Good Vibes Club
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2023
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

“What motivates you to start your day?” I often pose this question to my coaching clients, and the responses I receive can be truly inspiring and filled with passion.

The Japanese have a term for identifying this morning motivation: “Ikigai.” It encompasses why a person gets up in the morning and the driving force behind their actions.

Confucius once said, “If you do a job that you really love, it won’t feel like work, but rather a source of enjoyment.” This phenomenon occurs when one lives with passion, intensity, and a commitment to fulfilling their deepest desires.

Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

Identifying your life’s purpose can be a challenging quest. However, when you’ve pinpointed your likes and passions, it becomes easier to recognize your purpose. Your individual values and passions guide you towards your personal life goals and help you stride purposefully forward.

For me, a career aimed at improving the lives of others has always been my primary goal. My initial aspiration was to have a meaningful career. To achieve this, I dedicated myself to acquiring new skills and knowledge that made me adaptable to various work environments and domains.

Learning should never cease, and one should strive to be a lifelong learner.

Building Fulfilling Relationships

Fostering healthy and reciprocal relationships enables effective communication with others, fostering a better understanding.

As a coach and mentor, I treat individuals in a way that inspires and respects them.

Through my experiences and lessons learned, I openly share my failures, successes, and life journey with the people I mentor.

Nature and Art: A Second Purpose

My love for nature and art enriches my life and serves my second purpose.

Age Is Just a Number

Age should never limit your pursuit of your passions. I recently had a conversation with my 89-year-old cousin, who continues to pursue her passion for theatre, acting in films, and writing stories for magazines. At the age of 85, she even decided to take music lessons.

My 94-year-old mother is another inspiring example. She remains dedicated to her passion for knitting, crafting items for underprivileged children and donating to NGOs that support orphans.

These remarkable women have set an extraordinary example, proving that age should never hinder your dreams. Life offers rare opportunities to follow your passions, and you should seize them.

Closing Thoughts

Have you ever noticed how your body feels when you engage in activities you are passionate about? It’s a remarkable sensation, filled with immense joy, relaxation, a natural high, and a deep commitment to the task at hand.

Given my purpose in life to help others, I initially provided a lot of pro-bono coaching and mentoring to help individuals progress in their personal and professional lives. Volunteering in this way allowed me to gain valuable experience. Collaborating with individuals from various industries also gave me insights into how I could add value and assist others.

In the wise words of David Cuschieri, “Love what you do and do what you love. Passion is the key that opens the door to joy and abundance.”



Shubha Apte
Good Vibes Club

A self-improvement advocate, my journey unfolds through , travel, and life experiences, and insights gained navigating the corporate world. www.shubhaapte.com