Unveiling the Myth of Time Wasting: Embracing the Art of Self-Investment

Navigating Life Beyond Conventional Norms, Learning from Solitude, and Redefining Success on Your Terms

Good Vibes Club
2 min readJan 18, 2024


Image by Stephen Brown from Pixabay

Is time truly wasted? Wake up, eat, eat again, eat at night, indulge late at night, eat again, and then sleep. This routine repeats day after day, week after week, month after month, and life goes on. People label you as aimless, lazy, unemployed – let them say what they want.

Others may perceive you as wasting time, but only you know what you're thinking, what efforts you're making, how you feel, and whose true faces you encounter. No one will understand the struggles you silently witness. Forget about others; what do you feel? Are you genuinely wasting time? If there's a great book on 'What Time Wasting Is,' I don't know, but personally, I don't believe in the concept of wasting time.

When we are learning, time is never wasted, and there's always something new to discover. Even if a person isolates themselves in a room for months, their time won't be wasted. During that period, they'll understand the meaning of solitude, learn about insects, mice, and mosquitoes, grasp the movement of sunlight through the window, and tune into the inner voice by ignoring the external noise.

Whatever they learn during that time will empower them to face challenges without fear once they step out of that room. If such time never comes, that's good, but if it does, there's no need to burden your mind. Life may be short, but not so short that doing nothing for some time would be a waste.

It's a truth that all great individuals proved their greatness by spending time with themselves, distancing from the world, and giving people a reason to say, "That person is wasting their time." In the eyes of the world, laborious work is the only valid effort; they believe hard work requires sweating. They don't understand alternative paths to success. They applaud success but mock the unconventional methods.

So, let the world think what it wants. If you're investing time in yourself, exploring different avenues, and developing your unique path, it's not time wasted. Success is often misunderstood by those who see only the hard work, not the innovation and uniqueness behind it.



Good Vibes Club

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