We Both Heard It Clearly

Something had seriously short-circuited somewhere in our study where we sat, yet even after checking, nothing seemed amiss

Maria Rattray
Good Vibes Club


A sudden electrical sound that had us worried.
A sudden zap that worried us… Photo by Greg Johnson on Unsplash

The zap…it happened yesterday

My husband being the scientist he is, could not let go of the idea that something must be wrong.

We’d both heard it, we were in our office when it happened, but given nothing seemed amiss, I settled down to writing. He, on the other hand, determinedly prowled around the house checking all connections, which eventually he deemed to be in order.

A few hours later we learned my brother had died

To be honest, the zap experience made me wonder at the time, but I chose to keep the thought to myself. Maybe I was simply seeking solace.

We knew my brother was dying, far too young, but dying all the same.

Given his prognosis was poor, he’d decided to cancel all medical procedures and medications, plus food and water.

He was given a few weeks to live, which quickly was scaled down to a few days.

I spoke with him on Saturday, after many years of no contact, and he was still as sharp as ever, and absolutely at peace with dying.



Maria Rattray
Good Vibes Club

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: https://ponmyword.com