What Human Traits Predict Career and Life Success?

Most people let life happen to them.

Wizdom App
Good Vibes Club


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Depression is at an all-time high, obesity has become more common, and people are sitting at home with burnout.

Life isn’t pretty — we all know that.

So, what makes you think you’ll be successful?

Really. Think about it. Why do you even think you’ll be successful?

Here’s the simple answer: If you don’t start believing in yourself, you’ll never start.

And if you don’t start, there will be no success.

That’s the power of ambition.

To be clear, when I talk about success, I’m not talking about monetary success.

I’m talking about living life on terms.

To have a job you love, be surrounded by the people you love, and have a positive outlook for the future.

”Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re probably right.”

But you and I know we don’t automatically become successful if we believe we will.

Belief by itself is not enough.

But here’s the thing: The people who believe they can achieve their goals are the ones who do.



Wizdom App
Good Vibes Club

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