What’s The Dumbest Thing You’ve Ever Done?

Let’s have some fun being stupid, shall we?

Susan Wheelock
Good Vibes Club


Photo by Kin Shing Lai on Unsplash

Like most everywhere else, Southern California’s climate has become a bit surprising. In an effort to act like Chicago, we might get rain and chilly air one day, then sunshine and heat the next. If the weather gets in the way of what we’re doing, we just correct course and soldier on. What weather report?

It happened a few weeks ago, when a beautiful, sunny day turned stormy as I was outside working in the yard. I had just finished picking up my dogs’ offerings and throwing them in the trash bin kept outside for such things, when it became apparent that the yard work would have to wait until the next day.

Abandoning ship, I ran inside and started vacuuming the living room. I got so immersed in capturing every last bit of dog hair from the floor that I completely forgot to put the lid on the bin outside.

Keep in mind, both of my dogs are large and like to eat. That’s a significant amount of poop languishing in that uncovered bin sitting out in the elements.

At approximately 10:00 am the next morning, I went outside to continue my quest to clean up the yard, when the stench of a thousand poops accosted my unsuspecting nostrils.



Susan Wheelock
Good Vibes Club

Halloween loving retired public servant, and mom of three. Major league dog lover. Trying to age well. Always searching for the middle ground.