Why I Don’t Depend on Anyone Else for Happiness, Fun, or Excitement

Good Vibes Club
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2023

Have you ever found yourself looking to others for joy, fun, and adventure?

I know I used to be that way, always thinking that my happiness depended on external factors and people.

But let me share with you how I’ve discovered a different, more fulfilling path — one that doesn’t rely on anyone else for my contentment.

Happiness depends upon ourselves. — Aristotle

Rediscovering Inner Joy

Let’s talk about happiness. It’s something we all chase, right?

We often think that it’s out there, waiting for us in the form of approval, fancy possessions, or the praise of others.

But guess what?

True happiness starts right here, within ourselves.

It’s about embracing who you are, diving into your passions, and being grateful for the little things in life.

When you realize that happiness is an inside job, it changes everything.

Unshackling from External Validation

Relying on others for our happiness can be quite a rollercoaster. External validation is like a fickle friend, showing up when it pleases and disappearing just as quickly.

I’ve learned that celebrating my own victories, no matter how small they may seem, is the key to freeing myself from this never-ending cycle.

When you start acknowledging your own achievements, you’ll find that your happiness is no longer in the hands of others. It’s a liberating feeling.

Embracing Inner Excitement

Excitement is what keeps life vibrant and engaging, and I used to think it could only be found in external adventures.

But the truth is, we can cultivate it within ourselves.

Chase your dreams and passions with determination.

Whether it’s planning an adventurous trip, starting a business, or simply taking up a new hobby, the pursuit of your aspirations can ignite a constant sense of excitement from within.



Good Vibes Club

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