Yes! We’re the Bachelors…


Waqas Ahmad
Good Vibes Club
2 min read2 days ago


In the dimly lit corners of our shared apartment,
where the echoes of yesterday linger,
we claim our title with a wry smile and a hint of pride —
we are the bachelors,
unpolished, unrestrained,
living our truth in all its messy splendour.

Evenings unfold in a tapestry of spontaneity,
where laughter bounces off the walls,
and old records spin tales of nostalgia.
Our conversations meander through dreams yet to be realised,
through the whimsical paths we might never tread,
but find solace in exploring nonetheless.

The clutter is our canvas,
a collection of half-finished projects and scattered books,
each item a testament to our uncharted journey.
We navigate this space with a kind of grace
born from knowing that our lives
are as imperfectly perfect as the world outside.

Unplanned adventures are our norm —
late-night escapades that stretch until dawn,
road trips that begin with no destination,
and conversations that wander through the night,
touching on everything and nothing
in the same breath.

Our friendships defy the usual scripts,
thriving in the spontaneity of our encounters,
in the genuine laughter that bridges gaps,
in the quiet moments of mutual understanding.
Here, we find a connection that transcends
the boundaries of conventional life.

No polished resumes adorn our walls,
no neatly defined futures charted on paper.
Instead, we embrace the beauty of the present moment,
the comfort found in the chaos,
the joy in the simplicity of shared existence.
In the unrefined spaces between us,
we discover a kind of freedom
that is both liberating and grounding.

Yes, we are the bachelors —
in our unfiltered existence,
we uncover a kind of truth,
a kind of love,
that blooms in the everyday mess,
in the laughter and the quiet,
in the moments we share
that weave together
our lives into something uniquely ours.

In this unpolished, unrefined reality,
we find a deep, abiding contentment,
a sense of belonging that grows
in the spaces between our dreams and our reality.
Yes, we are the bachelors,
and in our untamed lives,
we discover a lovely, lasting truth
that we are exactly where we need to be.

