Yo Mama is a Goddess

I’m giving her compliments not insults

Good Vibes Club


Ahhhh good ole ‘ Yo Mama’ jokes have been around since….. well allegedly since 3500 BCE.

I’m still trying to envision how those jokes went. 🤔😂😂😂

While I have never been involved in a battle of roasting one another’s mama, I'd like to join in.

Except I don’t want to disrespect yo mama. She carried you in her body for months and then brought you into the world. If that’s not some Goddess-like stuff, I don’t know what is.

So no, I’m not gonna call yo mama ugly, fat, or poor.

Here I go.

Yo mama is so radiant, the sun asks her for beauty tips every morning.

Yo mama is so captivating, when she walks in nature, the trees stand taller just to get a better view of her.

Yo mama is so gorgeous, when she smiles, it’s like the whole universe is illuminated by her beauty.

Yo mama is so knowledgeable that even Google comes to her for answers.

Yo mama is so divine, when she walks into a room, angels ask for autographs.

Yo mama so majestic, even unicorns take selfies with her.



Good Vibes Club

Imagine if a care bear & the joker had a baby : You would get me. I’m a person not a niche. So if you like randomness and diverse stories follow me.