You won’t find happiness anywhere

The power of choosing happiness every day

Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club
2 min readJan 23, 2024


Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash

You won’t find happiness anywhere.

No matter how hard you try, it won’t knock your door.

Do you know why?

Because happiness can’t be found in external things. It’s your true nature, so it’s always with you.

If you want to find real happiness, it’s time to change your approach.

How can you do this?

The answer is to dive inside you.

Find answers in the silence

Do you know you can connect with your heart if you shut your heart and brain for a while?

Just try it and feel all the great feelings that arise when you’re happy for being yourself. You’ll thank me later.

Your intuition knows best

Your intuition is the Mr. Know-it-all. It has an answer for every question you have. Let it do the talking.

Want someone to make you happy? Forget it!

Nobody is responsible for your happiness. Learn to be happy by yourself, and you’ll never need anyone else to fulfill you.

You’re a wonderful company, okay?

Treat yourself like you’d treat someone you love.

I’m certain you wouldn’t shame yourself for all the mistakes you made, God knows when, or repeat exhaustively how ugly you are.

You’d be compassionate and caring to yourself, even when the storm comes into your life.

Gratitude is the answer

When you appreciate everything in good and bad moments, happiness comes to you naturally.

Be grateful, even if you have just one sausage to eat. It makes all the difference in the world.

Remember: Happiness is a choice you can make every day.

By listening and being kind to yourself and feeling gratitude, you’ll be able to access it in the blink of an eye.

It’s okay to feel sad sometimes, but don’t make it a habit. Choose to be happy every waking hour. Nobody can take your true nature away from you.

Do you choose to be happy? Tell me in the comments.



Marcela Cardoso
Good Vibes Club

✨I write personal stories and articles that bring positivity and growth to your life.✨