Writer’s Journal

Beauty of Kind Souls

“Look at you comforting others with the words you wish to hear.”

The Writer’s Way


Photo by Tom Parsons on Unsplash

I feel like this is how we, as humans, are wired. This is what forms our inner core: the ability to feel others' pain and help them overcome their agonies.

Sometimes, people offer words of comfort to others that they themselves have longed to hear. But in the process of providing solace to others, they also experience this sense of serenity which probably wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

It's truly remarkable that these individuals are so kind and sympathetic that they didn't let the bitterness in this world subdue their kindness. It's incredibly brave of them to maintain a soft heart, even when the world has tried to harden it with its cruelty. So beautiful, are these souls!

And isn't it a significant thing in itself that despite all this, they still think that someone considers them trustworthy and important enough to share their nightmares with such souls?

They ask themselves: Have you ever wondered why, out of all the people in this world, someone chose to share their demons with 'me'? And isn't it just amazing that everyone around us has a story? And those stories are revealed to us just when we start drowning in despair, thinking that what we're going through is the worst. Yet, we're reminded through such stories that others have it far more difficult than us.

