Writer’s Life

From Netflix Slump to Fitness Triumph: My Journey with Chloe Ting and Kwik fit.

Discovering a new path during Covid isolation

Silper Pesa
The Writer’s Way


Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery on Pexels

Are you tired of being stuck in a Netflix-induced slumber? Do you dream of getting fit but don’t know where to start? Join me as I recount a journey of transformation recalling something positive that began during the Covid isolation period.

For a long time, exercising was the last thing on my mind. Lounging with Netflix after work, sipping ice-cold Coca-Cola, and munching sweet snacks was my go-to activity. But fate had other plans.

Finding Inspiration with Chloe Ting

One day, a YouTube search for online fitness trainers led me to a connection worth sharing. I stumbled upon Chloe Ting, a dynamic and energetic fitness trainer. Over the coming weeks, I tried out her high-energy workouts and routines, centered around high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Photo by Author

The pace was welcoming, and I found myself connecting with her style. It felt like I was building a rapport with her without uttering a word. I simply obediently engaged in her quick 15-minute fat burners or full 30-minute sweat sessions. Her positive attitude and dynamic movements kept me motivated and engaged throughout.

Embracing the 2 Week Shred Challenge

Before long, I joined her ‘’2 Week Shred Challenge,’’ working out alongside a supportive network that encouraged me to keep going, even when I felt exhausted beyond words. Chloe’s approachable personality and interactive presence further boosted my spirits. She made her workouts feel like a fun, shared journey rather than an isolated tough task.

Over time, the countless success stories of significant weight loss and improved fitness I saw on her posts became more than just inspiration — they became a transformative experience that helped me achieve my fitness goals while enjoying the process.

A New Chapter at Kwik fit gym

Me in the gym. Photo by Author

With my newfound love for fitness, it was only natural, after backsliding, to take things to the next level at the next chance I pushed myself to take. Years later, even after we returned to normal life, and I had regained the pounds lost while training with Cloe, entering Kwik fit gym for the first time was an experience unlike any other.

The air was filled with the sound of weights rattling, the sight of attractive bulging muscles, ladies with attractive toned arms, men in six-piece body suits and the unmistakable scent of sweat and hard work.

Despite the initial intimidation, I felt a baffling feeling of belonging that washed over me from the moment I stepped inside. At Kwik fit, fitness was not just about working out — it was about having fun and building connections.

It was not just the sleek gym equipment or the modern ambiance that drew me in (though to some extent it played a big role); it was the warmth and sisterhood and brotherhood radiating from every corner. Whether it was a friendly nod from a fellow gym-goer who never bothered to find out my name or a smile from one of the upbeat trainers with greatly toned muscles, I immediately felt welcomed into the Kwik fit family.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Finding Joy in Fitness

As I became a regular at Kwik fit, I discovered that it was more than just a gym; it was a safe haven of fun and fitness. We pushed ourselves and broke a sweat, but it was always accompanied by laughter and encouragement.

From cracking jokes during challenging workouts to rallying together during tough times, every visit to Kwik fit felt like a lively gathering among friends. The most remarkable transformation of all was in my mindset. What was once a dreaded chore becoming something I looked forward to with excitement.

And I wasn’t alone in this newfound enthusiasm; at Kwik fit, I found a tribe of like-minded individuals, each on their own journey to better health and happiness. I am not anywhere close to having a ‘six-pack’ but I feel fit. It is all in the mind and keeps me motivated and working out along my tribe. On other days, I simply walk around for as many steps as I can.

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels

A Journey Worth Taking

So, here’s to Chloe Ting and Kwik fit — the trainer and the gym that not only transformed my body but also my outlook on life. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a complete beginner, fitness welcomes you with open arms and promises to make your fitness journey a memorable and enjoyable one.

Go for the workouts, stay for the friendship and networks, and leave feeling empowered, rejuvenated, and whole, like I do.

Your gym can have an imaginary name like Kwik fit.

Good luck!



Silper Pesa
The Writer’s Way

Silper is a certified coach, mentor, and writer with a passion for humanitarian work. I spend my free time capturing stories from my experience.