How To Gain Traction On Medium

9 insider secrets to skyrocket your medium success

The Human Project
The Writer’s Way
2 min readJun 26, 2024


Gaining traction on Medium isn’t rocket science, but it does take some smarts and elbow grease. Let me share what I learned from my bumpy ride with this platform.

First things first: write stuff people actually want to read.

Sounds obvious, right? But you would be surprised at how many people miss this one.

Pick your subjects with care, ones that you are interested in and others care about too, sort of like the sweet spot on a Venn diagram.

Now, here comes a trick I really stumbled upon: eye-catching headlines.

They’re kinda like your book cover — really make them pop! But don’t go too clickbait on people; that will get annoying really fast. Nobody likes to feel tricked.

And, be regular. Post regularly, like clockwork.

I post twice a week, but find what is good for you. Kind of like watering a plant, you know? Do it often, and watch your audience grow.

Little things, like engaging with other writers, do make a difference. Like their posts; comment on them; and clap their stories.

It’s nice, but it may also get you some visibility and build those relationships.

And tags! Use them wisely. They’re like tiny little road signs that will help folks find your content.

Now, about this writing style, again: Easy does it; simple and clear.

Think as if you’re explaining things to a good buddy over a cup of coffee.

And please, for the love of God, proofread! Typos are like spinach stuck in your teeth — humiliating and easy to correct.

Now, here’s a really cool trick I learned: use images!

The pictures break up the text and make it all pretty for your posts. Just make sure they’re not copyrighted and relevant.

Last but not least, you need to be patient.

Medium takes time to build an audience. Some days, it will feel like you are shouting into the void.

But you’ve got this!

People care about what you have to say.

Remember, the secret to success on Medium isn’t just good writing — it’s about people. So go out there, write your heart out, and have fun!



The Human Project
The Writer’s Way

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