Optimism or Delusion?

Choose the correct action…

Constance Williams
The Writer’s Way


Photo by Zsófia Vera on Unsplash

When do you know that your feigned optimism is delusion? The 2024 Presidential election is handicapped with delusional thinking on both sides of the ticket. As I listen to the pundits discuss the polls that seem to be taken way too much, in my opinion, I have concluded that the media reporters and so-called TV journalists are just as delusional as the people they are polling.

The unwavering support of their followers is crucial for presidential candidates to secure their votes.

Of course, this is the proper attitude if you intend to win. However, the environment is so fraught with lies and half-truths that people are bound to be confused. Politics is a dangerous game played to gain victory, even if it requires deceiving the public. Many people do not take the time to comprehend how the government works. The lack of understanding is perhaps one of the most significant deterrents to the majority of the population’s reason for not participating in voting for our elected officials.

I have heard many excuses for not voting, but none make sense. It does not make sense that people in America choose to be ignorant. Is it because they take it for granted that the government will work whether they participate or not? Is it because they believe that someone else is more intelligent than they are…



Constance Williams
The Writer’s Way

Writing gives me the opportunity to empty my thoughts about life, people, culture, self-love, and the pursuit of a happy existence. I seek truth & humanity.