Writer’s Journal


“It is enough, I can not take it anymore “

Debadrita Sarkar
The Writer’s Way


Illustration by Christine Daniloff/MIT

"It is enough, I can not take it anymore " - I shouted, but in my mind.

I am going to school with my little brother, who is now in second standard. The journey from my home to school is far enough. But, as I am a teenager, my parents thought, it would be easy.

To me, it is also easy enough. First the train and then the auto-rickshaw. But I forget about one most crucial things, in a girl's traveling, "Insecurity".

From the first, a boy, who is much older than me, has been staring at me strangely. His evil smiles and giggling and making eye contact are now unbearable. My little brother can not understand anything, he is playing like he used to.

I leave the seat with my brother and stand in a different place. I think, I got rid of him, but he followed me again. I strangely look at other passengers, who are standing like statues.

Now the boy stands just two hands away from me. The uneasiness captured my heart. But, " Glory to God ", our destination arrives in the meantime. I get out of the train quickly with my brother and now, I can properly breathe.

I reach the auto rickshaw, standing by walking lazy steps. The driver's uncle, got me, in the posterior seat. I, my brother, and a lady are sitting in the posterior. While two more passengers are needed.

I see my brother and start showing him a tree, which is near the obstacle. At this time, the 5 passengers are completed and we are ready for the ride.
While, I see a known hairstyle, sitting in the front. The sweat scrolled down from my throat.

" That boy " - I gasped.

His eyes stared at my face only. He is peeping, in the front glasses, where my face reflects smoothly. My heart is burning now, with a flame of anger.

I start ignoring him again, by distracting my mind, in some other things. But a girl's mind is enough strong to understand the wish of a man and his intentions. Our five organs are stronger than a man's. My uncomfortableness does not get rid of me.

I see my brother, who is playing with his fingers. I tell him, to play differently. My brother gets busy in doing so and I get the chance. I enlarge my eyes and my anger flows to make it red. My eyes balls get more dark and dark.

He rests his eyes on me and then suddenly, stops peeping and wondering.

I already started smiling in my mind. But, I do not show it. I got out of the rickshaw and paid 50 rupees, The driver then searched for 5 rupees change.

He again looks at me, but his looks are different. Now, I smile and he fears.

We are women and yes ! We are powerful . If anyone disrespects us , we are not going to obey it .



Debadrita Sarkar
The Writer’s Way

Debadrita Sarkar is a writer and poet . She likes to write essays , poems, short stories and quotes . She wants to be a fmaous author .