Social Media Left Me Feeling Numb and Unsatisfied

The reason behind your powerless and creativity blocked

The Writer’s Way
3 min readApr 27, 2024


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Back when I was in the time of life that I throughly enjoy, and the books that I read was really profoundly impacts me of enough gratitude and diciplines, I never have any productivity or spiritual issues anymore.

But when it comes through social media again, I was unintentionally broke the positive pattern that I had built over a year.

I mean, social media is the source of great amount contents, especially when it comes to others’s people life. Making it easy for us to see them through. And all I can think, this is the source of big problems.

Here’s why.

Full of temptations

What struck me wasn’t jealousy or envy. Instead, it created cravings for something I believed would bring me enough of pleasure, good, enjoyment, and happiness.

It started tempting me to have the same pleasure as people I saw. Yet in reality, I don’t truly need or prefer them and this wasn’t part of my initial plans or agenda.

These are where all the distractions to numbness begin.

How does it even work?

Your body is actually always follows your mind. When you think of coffee, the next thing you do is automatically walk to the kitchen to make your morning cup of coffee because you know the pleasure it brings.

If you have a particular thought that comes from what you just saw on social media, then subsequently your mind will generate more thoughts equal to how you think. And since how you think and feel becomes your state of being, the energy will flow to where your attention goes.

Ultimately it depleted our energy for creativity, productivity and doing essential tasks. No wonder we ended up powerless and numb, because we have no any energy that left within us.

Creating a condition of disconnect from being

The more attention you give to what’s outside world that you can’t control, the more you energize it, and the more likely you are to make a “self” out of it.

Instead of us that control our minds, this condition leads mind taking over and controlling us.

No wonder so many people ended up feeling void and empty.

Even more, disconnecting us from feelings of discomfort. Having no sense of self-love that I frequently observes many young man lose their basic self-care; bathing and tidying up their surroundings. They can even lay down to the bed that surrounded by scattered clothes or things.

This happens because their attention is constantly consumed by their noisy-mind, leaving them with insufficient attention and energy to focus on what’s truly important.

Whereas, there are enormous essential tasks that demand our attention and pressures to get ahead.

Yet, we have no energy left due to exhaustion that comes from trivial pursuits of things we can’t control. Leaving us drained and unable to fully pursue what matters.

Therefore, since we’ve spent too much time in the online world, this is your time to start pausing distractions.

Engage yourselves more in activities that makes us alive rather than makes you numb; go running, go writing, read and do your hobbies again.

By doing so, you’ll see how much energy that left within you to allowing something greater to happen!



The Writer’s Way

One who still trying to figure life out and loves sharing the story of my everyday life.