Writer’s Journal

The Awakening

The Power of Trivial Choices

The Writer’s Way


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Finally, the day arrives, the one magical day that reminds all ‘Homo-sapiens’ that they must do something for the planet. On the days with the top search trends in sustainability, environment, and Earth, it was as if suddenly everyone woke up and remembered that the planet existed. People would realize it is high time to snug in their air-conditioned cocoons and flood social media with pictures of lush green forests and earnest quotes about saving the Earth. But let’s get real: how many of these armchair activists practice what they preach once the spotlight moves away? How many actually step outside their comfort zones to make a real difference?

Picture by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Talking about making a difference is not as daunting as it sounds. Often, the tiny, seemingly insignificant things make the most significant difference. Have you ever considered not completely separating the triangular plastic from the sachet? ‘What will it change?’ you may ask. It might not revisit you as your Sunday brunch. These smaller pieces are almost impossible to segregate and end up in seas and oceans as microplastics. After that, they exist in the ecosystem as it is. These minor adjustments can collectively have a significant impact.

Photo by Naja Bertolt Jensen on Unsplash

Another simple example could be waste segregation. What could be simpler than this? Picture this, You, bravely standing in your kitchen, poised to drop that plastic waste in the correct recycling bin. Imagine the applause from Mother Earth herself as you ponder whether that dead battery belongs with the paper or the compost. Oh, the drama! The excitement! The sheer exhilaration of taking two seconds to toss your apple core into the organic waste bin instead of the general trash. So, why does this straightforward task seem punishing to so many? Is it the mind-boggling complexity of distinguishing plastics from paper or the overwhelming burden of walking an extra two steps to the recycling bin? Walking, another challenge in the life of an ordinary man after inflation and unemployment. Because walking a whole kilometer is too much to ask. Why burn a few calories and enjoy fresh air when you can contribute to traffic congestion and pollution by taking a cab instead? After all, it’s not like the planet’s health depends on your tiny, insignificant choices.

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

And the brand new entry in this never-ending list of eco-villains is Fast fashion, the epitome of glamour and style! Witness cheap fabrics and trendy designs churned out at breakneck speed. This results in mountains of textile waste and a massive environmental footprint. Producing these garments guzzles water and spews harmful chemicals, further degrading our planet.

The folly of relying on individual actions alone is not enough without the iron grip of governmental legislation. But why would anyone make laws on water segregation or boycotting fast fashion? No citizen ever asked what a party’s initiative would be to save the environment before casting their vote. We are so engrossed in our daily life challenges that we ignore the fact that life itself will be a challenge in a few years.

Our Future made with AI tool (https://pixlr.com)
Our Future. Made with AI tool (https://pixlr.com)

In these grand theaters of environmental activism, hope flickers in the form of individual efforts; even the smallest actions can spark monumental transformations. While it may seem easier to succumb to the inertia of the masses, each of us holds the potential to spark change through our actions, however small they may seem. We can collectively steer our planet towards a brighter future by embracing waste segregation, mindful consumption, and supporting sustainable initiatives.



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