Writer’s Journal

The Horrors of Getting Stranded At A Red Light

And why it’s the most nerve-wrecking thing ever.

Aastha Gupta
The Writer’s Way


Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash

When you are new to driving, the one thing you always dread is getting stranded at a red light with a fleet of cars honking behind you. Here you are, struggling to find a balance between the clutch and accelerator and the damn cars — they just won’t stop! At that moment, you just want to give up. Give up driving, eating, breathing… No wait, you already have lost some breaths till then, haven’t you?

You curse yourself for having decided to drive; your mom had offered to drive, but you didn’t listen. Now you are grappling to understand the physics of it all. You try once again — what did they say? Release the clutch slooooowwwww….ly and press the accelerator simultaneeeee….ously. You thought this would be easy, but clearly it wasn’t. The honking behind you continues. You take a deep breath, count 1..2..3, and Voilà, it worked this time! It really did!

But are you happy? It’s like passing an exam on the third or fourth attempt. How can anyone be happy? But there is only so much you can do. Curse yourself or curse the ones honking behind your car. Whatever helps! Until you have to sit down in the driver’s seat or let me say, ‘on the edge’ of the driver’s seat and face the dreaded red light ONCE AGAIN.



Aastha Gupta
The Writer’s Way

Published Writer | German Linguist | Travel | Partition History | Hindi cinema | Sustainable Living | Poetry