Writing Advice

The Writer’s Emotional Journey

How do you handle writer’s block??

Ama Writes
The Writer’s Way


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Putting words on paper isn't just about skill, it's also about feelings.

You know that exciting feeling you get when all of a sudden, ideas pop into your mind out of nowhere, and you can't wait to jot them down?

Amazing, right?

You've got ideas pouring out of you faster than you can write them down, and it feels like you can conquer the world with your words.

Other times, it's like banging our heads against a wall when we can't think of anything to write, leaving us frustrated and in doubt.

You stare at the blank page in front of you, feeling like you'll never be able to write anything good again.

Has it ever happened to you?

It has, to me. A lot of times.
It's just like hitting a roadblock on the highway to creativity.

But what did I do about it?

I learned.

I learned that amidst all these ups and downs, we have our emotions. They are like our secret weapon.

When you learn to understand and handle them better, even when they seem to be working against you, it makes you a better writer.

You start to see your emotions not as obstacles, but as valuable tools and that every emotion whether it's happiness, frustration, or even sadness, can help you write something amazing.

When experiencing these blocks, I write.
What exactly was I feeling at that moment?
Was it frustration? I wrote on it.
Anger? I wrote about it.
Happiness? I did the same.
In the end, all I've written down were used to create amazing stories later on.

Instead of letting your emotions control you, you learn to control them.

You embrace the full feelings that come with the writing process, from the highs of creativity to the lows of frustration, and you use them to your advantage.

So the next time you find yourself in situations like this when writing, remember this: your emotions are not your enemy, they're your greatest ally.

With a little emotional intelligence, you can ride the ups and downs of writing with confidence and come out on top, ready to conquer whatever challenges come your way.



Ama Writes
The Writer’s Way

Freelance Writer | Technical writer | Storyteller |Proofreader | Content writer