Writing Advice

Want to Write Every Day? Here’s My Secret!

The Simple Trick That Transformed My Writing Routine

Janet Turner
4 min readJun 13, 2024


Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

You know that feeling, the one where you’re bursting with ideas, eager to write, but the words seem to vanish into thin air? That was me for a long time. I love writing, from personal journal entries to helpful productivity articles, even crafting blog posts about flower arranging with my friend Joseph.

However, carving out time for writing felt like a constant struggle. Then, one day, I discovered a simple trick that completely changed my routine, a tiny word with a big impact: “just.”

The Simple ‘Just’ Trick

My secret? It’s all about carving out dedicated time for writing. I know it seems obvious, but hear me out. Before, I’d tell myself, “I’ll write later,” but “later” was always crammed with a million other things.

Now, I schedule 30 minutes every morning, before the family even stirs. It’s my “just write” time — my quiet sanctuary of coffee, a blank page, and pure creativity. Even with my busy vet life, writing has become a non-negotiable part of my day. It works! It’s amazing how much you can accomplish when you just commit to it. Writing first thing in the morning gets me feeling productive and energized, ready…



Janet Turner

Balancing vet life in Dallas, flower arranging, and family with ease. Married to Joseph, mom to Mary. Writing on productivity, mindset, and time management.