Editor’s Note

What Is One Thing About Summer That You Miss?

The Writer’s Way Summer Writing Prompt #6

The Writer's Way
The Writer’s Way


Not all summers will be the same. Considering all the memories there will ever be, nostalgia and happiness are defined by the connections you made, the actions you take to give happiness, and the hardship you and those around you power through together. That holds true for the summer, as for all things.

But life will get in the way. Growing up, moving away, changing jobs, things that turn it all into a fond childhood memory of the past. Looking back, it makes you feel lonely. It makes you wonder whether summer will ever be the same.

Taking a trip down memory lane, what is one thing you miss about a particular summer in time? Think about the things you did, the people that gathered around, the laughter, the struggle, the triumph that took place somewhere in this hot season.



The Writer's Way
The Writer’s Way

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