Editor’s Note

What Scent Reminds You Of Home?

The Writer’s Way Summer Writing Prompt #3

The Writer's Way
The Writer’s Way


Medium writer J. Avery Stewart shared a heartfelt story about him and his grandfather when they were together. In a paragraph, Steward wrote:

My garage has always smelled like my grandfather’s garage did when I was a little boy…I recognized it the first time I stepped inside this space decades ago; no other garage where I’ve lived has had that same scent. I took it as a sign that I was “home” after years of housing adventures.

Life is a winding road, a daring adventure, but what value does it hold at all without the simple things that give us comfort and familiarity? That simple thing could be a scent that we experience millions of times, which is what we focus on in this prompt.

The smell of freshly cut grass. Smell of the musty garage. Smell of beef fat from a grill. Smell of memories. Whatever it is. Tell us about the scents that remind you of home.



The Writer's Way
The Writer’s Way

A publication by writers for writers focusing on authentic stories to bring readers the best of inspiration. Learn more: https://medium.com/good-with-words