Showing up.

Eric Stevens
Good Wood
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2020


Early 2014, I was out to test myself. If I showed up to wood craft every day for 100 days would that make a shift?

Showing up unlocks you.

Repetition with intention will change the way you pursue life. But, it is about as enjoyable as a long stare at yourself in the mirror, everyday for the entire time you do it. Showing up is constant frustration, second guessing yourself, cursing yourself because you can’t get a grip. It is driving into the shop with the amount of enthusiasm of going to the gym hungover.

However, a subtle pattern emerges.

Technique changes. Ideas take a direction over one, two or three weeks. You learn that showing up, is the point. The work is only a by product of showing up.

Six years later. I am showing up. Now its bigger than me. Its to the people who work with me. Showing up to facilitate showing up. To shorten the learning curve. To shift overconfidence to pragmatics. To edit the word “can’t” out of our speech. To focus on consistency of presence, candor and awareness. That this is enough to build a lifetime of character in your own work. That showing up is about looking into the mirror and being just fine with what you see.

Our team at Good Wood always shows up. We are present with you, if you need a hand, to engage work on a project, have questions, or want to follow what we are upto.



Eric Stevens
Good Wood

The course of true love never did run smooth — Chasing dreams outside the 9-to-5… Designer for @GEdesign, Building @AsmblyCo