5 Ways to Cope With Grief

Self-control in pain has the utmost importance

Saeed Khan
Good Writer
3 min readJan 18, 2024


Photo by Mike Labrum on Unsplash

The pain of losing a dear one is inexplicable. It’s one of the toughest things we encounter in our lives. Suffering is an inevitable part of human existence.

Every individual endures pain in one form or another his whole life. We humans are left with no choice but to swallow the bitter pill of pain. Every one of us must come across pain at some stage of our lives. It spares no one. Sometimes it strikes us so hard that we think committing suicide can liberate us from the pain.

Emotionally weak people can become victims of nervous breakdowns because they are unable to sustain intense mental distress. Recovering from the trauma is never easy for some people, and they go on with this painful experience for a long period of time.

Following are some of the techniques we can use to mitigate the level of pain we go through:

  1. Acceptance of the loss: Make yourself believe that we are all destined to die; we all must die one day. No one is going to live here forever, and we need to accept it as a harsh reality. So, try to keep yourself calm and relaxed. Tell yourself that the hard time will pass soon and everything will be fine.
  2. Connect yourself with God: Connecting yourself with God is the most effective technique to lessen the pain. God is our creator, and he loves us more than anyone else in the universe. God knows about everything we go through, and only he can relieve the pain we go through. Ask God for his mercy, protection, and blessings, and also seek his forgiveness for your sins. Only God has the power to provide us with strong spiritual support.
  3. Keep yourself healthy and busy: take care of your physical and mental health, eat healthy food, and never miss exercise. Keep yourself busy by reading interesting novels, watching movies, and playing indoor games. If the bad thoughts annoy you, simply go out, inhale some fresh air, come back, and start what you were doing.
  4. Spend time with friends. Spend time with people who understand you and can make you feel rejuvenated. Spend time with people who respect your feelings, who can help you forget about the loss, and who know how to keep you happy.
  5. Expose yourself to the outside environment: go traveling, play outdoor games, go hiking, boating, fish, and go on picnics. Attend birthday parties, anniversaries, weddings, rituals, seminars, and festivals. Meet new people, interact more, and make new friends.


There is no denying the fact that sooner or later, we will all die. During our stay here, we came across countless troubles and pains for so many reasons. We suffer, recover, and suffer again, and this cycle never ends. Life never stops for anyone; it moves at its own pace. Facing challenges, experiencing hardships, and going through pain and torment are all part and parcel of life. We can’t change the way things happen to us, but we can change our way of dealing with those pains and sufferings. If we adapt ourselves according to the situation at hand, half of the problem will be resolved. If we embrace negativity, everything will be ruined.

“Grief can be a burden but also an anchor. You get used to the weight and how it holds you in place.”

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Saeed Khan
Good Writer

My name is Saeed Khan, and I'm an educator cum writer. I enjoy reading books, articles, blogs and stories. To become a great writer is my dream