Angelo Palacios GW 🕯️
2 min readApr 27, 2024
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Dear readers need Help 🫂☄️

Les Brown,

The motivational speaker, Often emphasizes

The importance of hard work

And perseverance.

One of his notable quotes

Related to this is:

"The harder you fall,

The higher you bounce.

This quote sums up the idea
That the setbacks

And the challenges
They are part of the journey,

But with determination
And effort,

One can overcome them

And achieve success.

think about it

I want be honest with us

In my contry

Colombia isn’t

Available medium’s program


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Account by author

Can you help me with a gift card?

Now can show you

In this beautiful point

I trying be a medium member

It’s my next step

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Thank you so much for their Beautiful support

Let me introduce myself

My beautiful name is
Angelo Palacios
From Cali Colombia
I learning inglésh myself
Photo by author

I take action

Because my relationship

With each one

It’s amazing

In other words

It’s very important for me

It’s very powerful

Let me explain

Money is necessary

But for me

More important is Apporting Value

Don’t have this

Method R.R.A.R

Over over and over again
Práctice practice

And more practice
Make the perfect

Think about it
Photo by Marques Thomas on Unsplash


Thank you so much

My dear Readers


Open the link 👀🧠🔔☄️✅