Lalit Sawant'
5 min readDec 8, 2023

Is this the reason why you aren’t consistent?
As we hit a certain age, we tend to look at the factor called personal development. Now there are infinite types of definitions associated with personal development but the truth is it can vary from a person to person.
Personal development involves engaging in activities that enhance your skills, unlock your potential, boost your employability, and potentially increase your wealth. It's about continuous improvement in various aspects of your life. This is what most of our teachers, colleagues , mentors have taught us.
Factor that we miss out on??
There are many skills like Problem solving, Communication and interpersonal skills , Future mindedness, self compassion , self care and self reflection and the list is never ending with the skills including personal development.
But do you know a factor which at times most of you seem to neglect??
Don't try to Overthink things boss, the factor is Consistency. The textbook definition of it may be doing things or performing them in a certain manner on the regular basis. But the hard part to understand is real definition of consistency is doing things or performing them irrespective of situation you are going through.
Let's say you are a working individual with a 9-5 job with all the responsibilities. You trying to add some skills to repertoire by dedicating some extra hours to it.
You are going through your breakup phase, why would you stop?? Do it anyways!!
Got bills to pay?? Do it anyways!!
Your parents are getting older they regularly have health problems, why would you stop??
Do it anyways!!
Doing things when you are least motivated and feel like not doing anything that's when you perform them. You need to realise that staying consistent at times not easy but the outcome of it would be satisfying.
As they say " Consistency won't guarantee success but not being consistent will guarantee you won't be successful.
Boss, I also had the problem of not being consistent, you are not alone.
Here are 7 tips that I've been using myself to stay consistent:
1. Mindset : Your mindset plays an important role in being consistent. Distractions are coming your way you need to escape your thoughts and face the situation. The more you'll have a mindset saying "well I don't feel like doing something and keep giving excuses the more you'll get the more you are getting away from your goals. As said by Vex king in his book good vibes good life " Emotions are most powerful vibrations you'll ever control ".
Avoid distractions , control emotions and by the time you'll do this you're half a way on your goal to development.
2. Setting up a schedule : This can be a helpful trick. After creating a schedule our mind is somehow wired towards it and can work according to it. Sometimes the preplanned things don't work the way we want them to so its perfectly fine if you are writing your day to day activities in the morning itself.
(Simple hack : rank the things which are important to you and align with your goals, schedule your day accordingly to prioritize and accomplish them efficiently)
3. Set Clear goals : Many of us have some or other kind of goals we want achieve. You should write down the goals which are more important to you and start working on it. I did this but was not consistent however I came across a technique known as "SMART TECHNIQUE"
Which goes like following :
1. Specific : chose a specific and clear goal that you define specifically and put your all efforts in achieving it.
2. Measurable : ensure the goals or targets you've set for yourself are relatively measurable. It's good to have the big goals(owning a house, creating a wealth that'll be useful for your upcoming generations) but you should start with small goals which will be measurable and would be easy for you to track your growth.
3. Attainable : keep in mind the goals you've set are achievable. You don't need to set big goals start with the small goals and try to achieve them.
4. Relevant : Make sure the goals you've set align with the core values and are related to your objectives on a higher note.
5. Time : Complete your goals set a deadline or particular time frame in which you need to complete them. By doing this you are creating a sense of urgency and it'll help you stay on track.
4. Track your goals : The next step is about tracking your goals. No need to overcomplicate things focus on performing the basic things in a correct manner and by doing this and tracking your progress you'll tend to be working closer to your goals.
5. Only make promises you can keep :
There's a basic of rule of doing things that's keeping the promise and commitments made to yourself. There'll be situations where you are overwhelmed try sticking the promises you've made to yourself and do the things.
For ex :
• If you tell your significant you are going to do the Chores of the house make sure you are doing it.
• If your friends are going out and they invite you but you're busy with the commitments made to yourself don't hesitate In saying No to them.

At the end of the day staying consistent and doing things regardless how you feel is the only thing that matters. Why would others care about how you feel when at the end it's you vs you. Personality development is a secondary factor it's your goal the primary objective of yours has to stay consistent, doing the work keeping your head down all that matters.
Don't let this intrusive and negative thoughts make you feel your goal is unachievable. You will feel at times, the goal is unattainable. But achieving great things has very little to do with your feelings. The skills you are acquiring in developing yourself won't affect you if you are not consistent. At the end, staying consistent and doing things without thinking of boredom will make you reach at the heights you'll never find any goal unattainable.