Don’t be afraid of Share your thoughts, With others

Angelo Palacios GW 🕯️
3 min readMar 17, 2024


Sharing your thoughts with others enriches dialogue, broadens horizons, and cultivates mutual understanding.

"Sharing your thoughts with others opens doors to new perspectives and fosters deeper understanding."

All the time reflect

Each time we stay silent, we miss a new opportunity from build relationships, with the people

Think about it

Deep in our minds

Lie unshared stories,

It’s the place where our wildest Dreams can come true.

Our thoughts can fly freely.

Even the most ordinary things Become extraordinary.

"Expressing your ideas with others invites diverse viewpoints and enhances mutual comprehension."

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
Let me introduce myself

My beautiful name is

Angelo Palacios

From Cali Colombia

I learning inglésh myself

Think about it
Photo by author
Method R.R.A.R





Over over and over again

Práctice practice

And more practice

Make the perfect

Think about it

It’s amazing

It’s very important know

What’s is your next step ?

Remind that’s is the key

Believe in yourself

Not matter what people say about you

"What others think of you is none of your business."

Et cetera

The Power Of Positive Thinking

Believe me

Smile all the time

You are unique

You are Wonderful

"Thinking deeply and sharing your thoughts can ignite change, spark innovation, and create meaningful connections."

Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash

"Reflecting and voicing your ideas can drive progress, foster creativity, and build strong, impactful relationships.”

Who are this guy

I am boy les Brown

Follow his legacy

Leslie Calvin Brown

Born February 17, 1945
Is an American

Politician and motivational Speaker

He was a member of the

Ohio House of

From 1977 to 1981. [1]

My beautiful goals is

3 millions of people Inspired

On the World

My porpuse is impact

Your life

Think about it

I continue to touch lives

Around the World

If you want success

You’re competing

Against thousands

Of women’s and men’s

Who are Apporting

Value to we

Like professionals do

Congratulations my dear friend

The choice is yours
Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

You are not alone my dear friend

Put god firts
Bye for now

Credit by LES BROWN

One Clap Is great believe me but 50 Claps show me your support

Photo by Marques Thomas on Unsplash


Let me know and remember strong mind never give up

Open the link 👇☄️👀🫂😊

Thank you for investing

Quality time in yourself!

I hope you reflect and

Understand that this is

A constructive criticism
Nothing personal

I leave a positive message
From my

If you want to say Something.

I would love to know.
And I would be delighted

To answer your beautiful
Don’t forget to hit the

Follow button

It would be a great Encouragement to our Community.

From Writer’s ✍️☄️♥️🫂💥

