Stepping Stones to Greatness

Ojas D.
Good Writer
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2023
Photo by Sam Barber on Unsplash

The graph of progression is the only statistic I wish to build right now. This fast-paced world is holding me back.

Or wait… Is it me who is holding myself back? My attitude towards the world usually was as if it was my enemy but it’s now that I understand, the world never was my enemy. My only real enemy to ever exist was myself.

I knew it was high time to finally start plotting the points on the graph of progression but I was simply not doing it for I was afraid of failure. Now that I think about it, it was not “kakorrhaphiophobia” holding me back but my laziness and choice of easy pathways that would lead to simple victories that I’d showcase to people.

There was nothing I loved more than people praising me and the ones who criticized me (even if it was genuine) were made my enemies. I never knew the difference between hate and criticism.

I often wondered why and how other people qualified for exams that I didn’t. I was so blind to see that they had worked really hard for it while I blamed my luck for it.

I had never really worked hard. In fact, I often found myself running away from opportunities (consciously!) And it was then that I knew, it was the time for some self-reflection.

It was never my classmates who pointed out the bad in me or compared me. It was me who remained bothered and really worried about people’s thoughts. I simply was a people pleaser.

I was satisfied with the little I had done and it’s now that I realized, that satisfaction was another of my cruel enemies. Here, I am not denying that concept of happy satisfaction, rather am referring to the fact if someone has not worked hard to one’s capabilities, he has absolutely no right to be satisfied with what he gained. Satisfaction is the downgrading factor of the graph of progression.

I felt supression on myself. I looked up and saw it was my own hand that was suppressing me with delusion and appraisal on its back. Now I gotta lift off this delusion somehow, kick off the appraisal and use the same hand to lift myself to the skies and beyond.

It was time for me to change myself rather than ask for situations to be changed.

As I mentioned in my last post, Change is the only thing that makes a person bloom. So here I am, initiating a change in myself, plotting my first point of the graph of progression in the positive-positive quadrant.

Carving my first stepping stone to greatness.



Ojas D.
Good Writer

A somebody, putting her thoughts into words, to explore a world zillion times bigger.