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How To Live 100 Years?

Strategy for Living a Full Century

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. — Ann Wigmore

Good Writer
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2024


Have you ever thought, How people of Japan live longer than people of the other parts of the World?

Not a Problem if you have never thought that, Because there was a Person who was very desperate to know the reason behind their long lives, his Name was Dr. Makoto Suzuki. He was basically a scientist.

In 1970s, when he came to know about the longevity of Japan’s people, he took his team to Okinawa, Japan to find out the reason.

Earlier, they thought this might be due to genetics but after their discoveries they found that this is more related to their lifestyle.

This Discovery led to the “Okinawa Centenarian Study,” revealing that the residents of Okinawa boasted not only longer lifespans but also low rates of chronic diseases.

The Main Reason behind their long lives was their lifestyle where they included Daily physical activity (Walking is a must) and rich diet, rich in plant based food and low in calories.

This discovery caught World’s attention when Jiroemon Kimura from Japan was recognized by the Guinness World Records for longest living person. He was born on April 19, 1897, and lived to be 116 years and 54 days, passing away on June 12, 2013.

You see, How a small change in Habits can create longer life. I used to eat a lot of Junk, but this story inspired me to be Health conscious, It’s not that i want to live more than 100 years, but to live a healthy life at least. Because, as my Father always says, It’s not Money that will help you when you are old, It is your Health.

So, this year, I have taken a pledge to change 5 Habits of mine and eating Healthy is one of them.

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Good Writer

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