What is a Click Bait Article.

Why click baits even exists.

Mr Pintharu
Good Writer
2 min readJan 14, 2024


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

You are having some free time and just thought of reading a story. So, you click on the app and scrolling down to find a worthwhile read.

And suddenly, Boom! A fantastic article in-front of your eyes. You clicked it without hesitation since the topic is astonishing.

But after reading a couple of sentences you begin to think, what type of shit is this.

Congratulations, you have been a bait.

If someone tries to grab your quick attention and not giving the value it needed to have, those are called “Click-baits”.

Their only purpose is to get more attention and gaining more views for their page to obtain a high traffic towards them. Because traffic means money.

They doesn’t give any value for your time. Those pages have many product links, affiliations and advertisements wasting your valuable time destroying that need to read something mind.

Simple method to avoid them.

  1. They will often promise to deliver life-changing information in the article to get you to click, i.e. “How I made six packs within a week without exercising ”. They are too good to be true.
  2. Another way to avoid clickbait is by learning how to verify the sources. Only click on links from appropriate sources, such as well-known websites and verified pages. (For external sites).

Just avoid clicking on them. There are no perfect method which give anything without doing hard work (or smart work).

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Have a nice day…

