Artificial intelligence: the next digital disruption

Juraj Rosa
GoodAI Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2018

Digital trends

In the past 10 years the so called digital disruption has impacted businesses and organizations in ways that could not possibly be predicted. Those who were prepared and on the cutting edge of technology have thrived, while those who weren’t have either been forced to adapt fast or simply folded.

Even by 2014 Constellation Research released a report which stated that “since 2000, 52% of companies in the Fortune 500 have either gone bankrupt, been acquired or ceased to exist.” It put much of this change down to digital disruption. The speed of change is much faster now.

Missed opportunities

An example of this, although not a Fortune 500 company, is the fate of Blockbuster video stores. In 2000 Blockbuster CEO John Antioco passed up the chance to buy Netflix for $50 million. He saw it as a “very small niche business,” and could not understand why people would want to watch films on their laptops rather than visit a shop and rent a DVD.

In 2010 Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy, while Netflix is now a household name worth over $100 billion. They did not see the potential of new technologies.

Be prepared for AI

It has become clear in the past few years that artificial intelligence is the next digital disruption. Machine learning, big data techniques and cloud technology are allowing us to process data in a way we couldn’t have dreamed of 10 years ago.

World leaders, companies and thought leaders are all starting to make AI a strategic priority. Google have announced themselves as an “AI first” company and all the tech giants are pouring money into AI solutions some of the most prominent being Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Spotify and Amazon.

To remain competitive in a future dominated by AI it is vital that businesses begin to find the right AI solutions now.

Finding the right AI solution

At GoodAI we see artificial intelligence as a tool to augment our abilities, improve business structures and help our clients reach their goals. We see AI creeping into our lives everyday, from video recommenders on Youtube to personal assistants like Siri, we are already using and interacting with AI without even realizing it. The same way people currently use glasses to improve their sight, we believe that soon AI will be used by everyone to improve themselves and by businesses if they want to succeed.

However, it is important to find the right tool for the job. The very nature of AI in its current form (what we sometimes call “narrow AI”) is that it performs highly specified jobs at a much higher level than humans. At GoodAI Applied we specialize in creating bespoke solutions for our clients, preparing them for the future and helping them solve their specific needs.

Human-Level AI

As well as “narrow AI” GoodAI have a team of researchers working on the problem of general AI or human-level artificial intelligence. Our scientists — pushing the boundaries of the technology — are on the cutting edge of the research.

GoodAI will also be hosting the Human-Level AI Conference in Prague from 22 to 25 of August which will see top AI minds from Google Deepmind, Facebook AI Research, Uber AI Labs, Microsoft and many more.

Join us on our mission.

