Shaping a global survey on AGI

Marek Rosa
GoodAI Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2018


  • We intend to run a global survey to find out the public opinion about AGI.
  • We ran a practice survey at the Human-Level AI Conference 2018.
  • We are still working to shape the survey and are interested in your ideas.
Photo credit: NASA

At GoodAI we believe that it is important that the public is involved in decision making processes, especially ones that will have huge impacts on humanity. General artificial intelligence has the potential to transform society and we want to find out what concerns the general public. For this reason we intend to carry out a global survey to find out the public opinion about general artificial intelligence to help figure out which issues governments and policy makers should focus on.

There is no consensus within the AI community on when general AI will occur, with predictions ranging from a few years to never. However, once we start to get close to general AI, or a truly transformative narrow AI, the pace of transformation may be faster than expected, therefore it is vital to implement mitigation strategies now in order to ensure a future which is safe and beneficial to humanity.

We started our research towards our global survey by running a survey on the participants of the Human-Level AI Conference in Prague to help us design the global survey.

We asked the participants: If you could ask world’s population about the future of AI and humanity, what would you ask them?

The top three questions the participants found most important were:

  • 31% — What responsibilities should we never transfer to machines?
  • 18% — What would be the first problem humanity should solve using AI?
  • 15% — What would you do with your time if you did not have to work as all your needs would be provided for?

The other questions in contention which received less votes were:

  • 12% — What is your top fear for the future?
  • 9% — What would you do if you had 40 additional hours of free time every week?
  • 8% — If you had one wish for the humankind, what would it be?
  • 6% — What is the most pertinent problem of your local community?

We understand that the participants are by no means a representation of the general public but we wanted to test the D21 voting system which we are considering using for the global survey and it proved workable.

We are still working on shaping our global survey and would be interested in other questions that might prove useful. So please feel free to suggest questions in the comments section below or send them to

Thanks for reading,

Marek Rosa
CEO, Founder Keen Software House
CEO, CTO, Founder GoodAI

For more news:
Space Engineers:
Medieval Engineers:
General AI Challenge:
AI Roadmap Institute:
Keen Software House:

Personal bio:

Marek Rosa is the CEO and CTO of GoodAI, a general artificial intelligence R&D company, and the CEO and founder of Keen Software House, an independent game development studio best known for their best-seller Space Engineers (2.5mil+ copies sold). Both companies are based in Prague, Czech Republic.

Marek has been interested in artificial intelligence since childhood. Marek started his career as a programmer but later transitioned to a leadership role. After the success of the Keen Software House titles, Marek was able to personally fund GoodAI, his new general AI research company building human-level artificial intelligence.

GoodAI started in January 2014 and now has over 30 research scientists, engineers and consultants working across its Research and Applied teams.

At this time, Marek is developing both Space Engineers and Medieval Engineers as well as daily research and development on recursive self-improvement based general AI architecture.



Marek Rosa
GoodAI Blog

CEO, CTO and Founder at GoodAI and Keen Software House - - - Building general AI as fast as possible!