Meet Nieves, our social media guru — goodbag spotlight

Nikola Lugonja
Published in
6 min readJun 25, 2020

Have you ever heard about the employee or team spotlight? Or read something about it? In case you haven’t, employee or team spotlight means presenting the company’s employees to the outside world. Publishing their stories or something interesting about their job and life.

We decided to do something similar with the “goodbag spotlight” series, where eventually you will find the articles about all goodbag’s team members. They will be in the interview-form and consisted of 3 parts.

  1. General-intro questions (which are same for all)
  2. Specific questions for each team member’s job
  3. Short questions with instant answers (again, same for all)

Today, we are talking with Nieves, who will share some things about her life and experience at goodbag. We will kick off with our general section i.e. some introduction questions.

Hi Nieves, could you tell us something about yourself and your role at goodbag?

Hi there! I’m Nieves, 24 years young and a digital native from beautiful Hamburg, Germany. I’m currently responsible for goodbag’s Instagram and Social Media Marketing.

How and when did you join the goodbag team?

I stumbled across the goodbag Instagram channel during fall last year, made some suggestions to Chris and created some content because that’s what I just love to do. After a while, I got paid to do so (laughs) and that’s when I officially joined the team I guess!

What motivates you to be a part of the goodbag company?

goodbag makes it easy and fun to create an impact on the environment in your day to day life. That personally made me reconsider a lot of my lifestyle choices and I want others to feel the same. So if you’re not the most cautious person yet, really into the green lifestyle or live a perfectly sustainable life, goodbag is a great way to start thinking differently and do good.

What are the 3 things you like the most about the goodbag’s culture?

First of all the team behind goodbag is amazing. I’ve honestly never met such a bunch of inspiring, uplifting and kind group of individuals. Everyone is 100% motivated to make the world a better place and this energy is simply amazing. Secondly, we do everything with passion and you can really tell that when it comes to the customers. The NFC gets programmed by hand, designs created by talented Elén are carefully chosen, the tags are knotted on by hand and our CEO reads every single message that gets to us by Instagram and acts immediately when there is a question. Last but not least you get the best out of both worlds — the fun and young spirit of a startup together with the structured and professional work of the large company. Todor and Chris do a great job of combining both.

Do you manage to learn while working and how?

Absolutely! Not only has goodbag brought me further regarding my consciousness for the environment but you can always learn from the individuals you work with. Every day there is something I learn from the team — either business or personal wise.

Thank you, Nieves, for answering those general questions, now we will focus more on some specific questions regarding your work specifically.

Could you tell us more about goodbag’s approach to social media marketing? Which type of content do you publish and how often?

We want to make the world better day by day, have an impact and help others to do so in a simple and easy way. But how can we do that if only a few people hear our voice? We want to grow our community as large as possible in order to have an even bigger impact on the sustainable behavior of consumers. To reach that goal we publish everything that is related to our mission, partner shops, team members…, but also useful information and random facts to lighten up followers’ days and give some meaningful information in the flood of content.

Which type of content does the goodbag’s audience (goodbaggers) like the most?

Since we’re only getting started that’s a hard question to answer — I’ll have to ask the community (laughs). I guess that our goodbaggers out there love to see the faces behind the brand and also get notified about interesting facts.

So far goodbag had a few strong influencer campaigns. Could you tell us more about how challenging it is to work with different influencers? How do you find the right ones?

Finding an influencer that fits your brand and can authentically tell their audience about your product is the key when it comes to influencer marketing. Especially when your product is linked to a delicate cause such as saving the environment. With lots of research, we’ve found a few “perfect matches” that not only helped us grow but were amazing to talk to. Besides studying the key metrics such as interaction rate, followers, commercial content or the type of content, you simply have to trust your guts. Some influencers didn’t fit as well as others but we always take it as a learning.

How do you see the audience communication evolve across goodbag’s social media channels in the future?

I hope that as we grow we can build a strong community that supports our mission worldwide.

goodbag might be founded in Austria but is definitely a global brand. I would love to expand our relationship with all goodbaggers around the world and provide them with fun and interesting content!

And we came to our final section, where we will go through some short questions to find out more about Nieves :) So, tell us:

  • Where is your favorite place to be? Anywhere near the water 🌊
  • What is one thing you cannot resist? Puppy eyes.
  • Would you like to visit space once in your life? When Musk provides an environment-friendly way — maybe. Jokes aside, I’m claustrophobic, so next life maybe.
  • If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet? I love to meet people in general because everyone inspires me in their own kind of way — but if I would need to think of one I guess I would love to talk to Krishna about reincarnation (but for that one I might need some magic mushrooms).
  • Do you have a favorite quote? “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” — Henry Ford.
  • Do you have an (office) nickname? What is it? Not that I know of!
  • What is your favorite book so far? Big Five for Life by John Strelecky. — I know, so basic. But it helped me open up in a different way during difficult times and I can recommend it to everyone that needs a little push in life.
  • If you could choose one place worldwide where goodbag opens its next office, which place would that be? I know a nice place on Bali that would be the perfect fit.
  • Who would you most like to swap places with on the team? Since everyone is doing a perfect job in their position I wouldn’t trade places with anyone (for now).

That was Nieves, the mastermind behind that lovely, clean content you see on Instagram :). If you liked the article, make sure to follow us on our social media channels. In the following weeks, we will be talking with other team members and get to know them better. Stay tuned :)

About goodbag

goodbag is the first reusable tote bag that lets you plant trees, collect plastic waste out of our oceans, or receive exclusive discounts every time you go shopping. All you need to do is to download the goodbag app, get a goodbag, and start scanning it when you shop. To learn more about it, check our website.



Nikola Lugonja

Writing and sharing my thinking with the world. I like to think of myself as a diverse person with various interests, seeking fulfillment in what I do.