Meet Nora, our head of marketing and the person whose location we are not always quite sure about — goodbag spotlight

Nikola Lugonja
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2020

Have you ever heard about the employee or team spotlight? Or read something about it? In case you haven’t, employee or team spotlight means presenting the company’s employees to the outside world. Publishing their stories or something interesting about their job and life.

We decided to do something similar with the “goodbag spotlight” series, where eventually you will find the articles about all goodbag’s team members. They will be in the interview-form and consisted of 3 parts.

  1. General-intro questions (which are same for all)
  2. Specific questions for each team member’s job
  3. Short questions with instant answers (again, same for all)

Today, we are talking with Nora, who will share some things about her life and experience at goodbag. We will kick off with our general section i.e. some introduction questions.

Hi Nora, could you tell us something about yourself and your role at goodbag?

Well, hi! I am Nora, from everywhere (smiles). I am head of marketing at goodbag.

How and when did you join the goodbag team?

In 2016, I met one of the founders, Chris, in London when he pitched goodbag. Ever since I became a great fan of the brand, the project, the concept, and the team.

What motivates you to be a part of the goodbag company?

Due to my experience in different countries, industries, and people, I can offer a broad overview. Therefore I do exactly know what I am looking for in the job world. A perfect match has to be a fit on both sides. I do have a lot of respect for the values goodbag represents — for the consumers as well as for the employees. Integrity, humility, empathy, and loyalty are very important to me. My projects with goodbag have further on shown me how much it matters in life, to stand to the fullest behind a company you are working with, to create a great impact, and to love what you do: To be able, to make a change.

What are the 3 things you like the most about the goodbag’s culture?

Firstly, a good atmosphere. As we spend most of our life working (or sleeping), in my opinion, it is extremely valuable to have a job where you are excited for Monday on a Sunday evening. “It is not Monday that sucks — it is your job.”. Secondly, everybody stands behind the company’s goals with all their heart. Lastly, strong will to grow but not losing humanity and humor within.

Do you manage to learn while working and how?

Always. Working on myself is super important to me. What most people forget, there will not be any growth without change. Especially the field of Marketing is extremely dynamic and therefore it is learning but also a lot of trial and error. And that is great! We face new challenges every day and I am grateful for it.

Thank you, Nora, for answering those general questions, now we will focus more on some specific questions regarding your work specifically.

How do you think goodbag’s marketing strategy has changed over the years/time?

Not only goodbag’s marketing strategy has changed over the last years, overall there is a huge dynamic moving away from print, TV, radio, classic out of home to the digital world just like social media. Especially for startups and small businesses, it is a great opportunity to reach a lot with small investments.

Which channel do you see as goodbag’s best place to communicate with its audience?

Besides the digital world which works really well for addressing not only B2B but also B2C it is always important for us to stay in personal touch with the audience. Therefore, we visit a lot of fair trades and events to make sure that the customers and (potential) partners can meet the team and see who is standing behind this great concept.

From the marketing point of view, what are some aspects that goodbag needs to improve?

The mix of consistency and flexibility is always a great way to go. Stay dynamic to compete, but don’t lose your values, keep being authentic. That is a balance which, especially in marketing, you have to work on every day.

Since you are a digital nomad, how do you keep communicating with the rest of the team effectively? Are there any difficulties?

We have some great channels to keep in touch, to make sure everybody knows their tasks but also be able to just chat. As a German who loves efficiency and check-lists, I am truly satisfied here. Overall, especially the last few months within corona have shown the world, home office from a business perspective is absolutely doable. On an individual view, there are pros and cons as always in life. Not being physically together, asking for favors within lunch breaks, or just chatting on the floor — this is the price you have to pay for this sort of freedom. Where are ups, there will always be downs. At the end of the day, it is up to you to see the positive in any kind of situation!

And we came to our final section, where we will go through some short questions to find out more about Nora :) So, tell us:

  • Where is your favorite place to be? Cape Town and Dubai.
  • What is one thing you cannot resist? Nuts. Are…driving me..nuts. (No? Okay…).
  • Would you like to visit space once in your life? I thought about this a lot. I guess since I saw how astronauts have to sleep floating around, the sky is the limit for me. Also, I watched too much lost in space. But let’s see what Elon provides for our future!
  • If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet? Future me (probably will not travel back to 2020 though).
  • Do you have a favorite quote? “Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations. There is always a way.”
  • Do you have an (office) nickname? What is it? Glad to say no.
  • What is your favorite book so far? I don’t have a favorite, I quote Howard Schultz a lot (Pour your heart into it), like the inspiring questions of John Strelecky (Big 5) but adore falling asleep to Harry Potter.
  • If you could choose one place worldwide where goodbag opens its next office, which place would that be? Cape Town or Dubai ;) I am okay with Seoul or Singapore as well, not that picky.
  • Who would you most like to swap places with on the team? Probably Chris, our CEO, as he gets around a lot, meets great people and travels amazing countries. Luckily, I often had the chance to join!

That was Nora, our head of marketing :). If you liked the article, make sure to follow us on our social media channels. In the following weeks, we will be talking with other team members and get to know them better. Stay tuned :)

About goodbag

goodbag is the first reusable tote bag that lets you plant trees, collect plastic waste out of our oceans, or receive exclusive discounts every time you go shopping. All you need to do is to download the goodbag app, get a goodbag, and start scanning it when you shop. To learn more about it, check our website.



Nikola Lugonja

Writing and sharing my thinking with the world. I like to think of myself as a diverse person with various interests, seeking fulfillment in what I do.