GoodBlock Partners With KOY Network: Bringing Scalable Financial Infrastructure to Africa

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7 min readSep 26, 2023

GoodBlock Partners With KOY Network: Bringing Scalable Financial Infrastructure to Africa

GoodBlock® is excited to announce their partnership in the upcoming launch of the KOY Network. KOY Network is Africa’s super computer, a distributed financial infrastructure, powering trade through payments, logic and other digital services. GoodBlock’s CEO, Douglas Horn, will be working in the role of CTO for the network, with GoodBlock offering technical support as the network evolves.

It’s an extremely exciting time for the KOY Network, with the Antelope Access program open for the foreseeable future. To celebrate this epic milestone for the ecosystem, GoodBlock is running a contest on our Twitter! Stick around to the end of this article to find out how you can win part of a 2000 KOYN prize pool!

Please note that nothing in this article should be construed as financial advice.

How KOY Network is Revolutionizing Digital Infrastructure in Africa
The KOY Network is positioning itself to solve some of the biggest financial problems in countries across the continent of Africa. Historically, the continent of Africa has been left behind by traditional banking systems despite the large amount of wealth created in the nation’s natural resources. Instead of the efficient banking system that Western countries are familiar with, the financial system in Africa is made up of a series of fragment monopolies across local jurisdictions, which benefit the companies providing the financial services, rather than the people using those systems. The user experience of these systems are also lacking, relying on old cellular networks, dated technology and long settlement times.

KOY Network aims to overcome these challenges, bringing cutting edge financial infrastructure to users across the continent. By operating as a private blockchain protocol, based on the powerful Antelope tech stack, KOY Network will allow local financial service providers to build financial applications on top of it, which abide with varying local jurisdictions. The network will then tie together numerous local economies across the nation in ways that have never before been possible. With the continent of Africa being home to the youngest population worldwide, KOY Network aims to capitalize on the opportunity to introduce leading financial services to young people across the nation.

“Africa is absolutely ready for the leap forward into Web3 commerce,” said Betty Waitherero, founder of “Being the first chain built specifically for the African continent, I am hoping to see businesses that are built by African developers that specifically meet African needs and can work in our emerging economies. I see Koy Network providing the tooling and infrastructure to bring communication, financial technology and online economies to life for African people.”

How GoodBlock Designed the World’s Fastest Blockchain on KOY Network
GoodBlock is excited to be a part of the KOY Network launch team with GoodBlock’s CEO, Douglas Horn working in the position of the network’s CTO. With a strong background in both technical infrastructure and Web3 development, as well as a notable involvement in the launch of several groundbreaking blockchain projects, GoodBlock is well positioned to ensure that KOY Network emerges as a leading example of what is possible when cutting edge technology is combined with impactful real world use cases.

“Over the past 5 years, I was working on Telos, and we made a lot of functional economic innovations there. But those were solving the problems of 5 years ago,” noted GoodBlock CEO, Douglas Horn. “The problems of today are much different, and being able to use what I’ve learned over the past 5 years is an exciting opportunity. KOY Network is a really cool economic tool that allows us to solve a lot of new problems that would not be possible in any other system.”

A key part of GoodBlock’s role has been designing the technical infrastructure the KOY Network will run on. Of all Block Producers across the entire Antelope ecosystem, GoodBlock has the fastest validator available. This was achieved through a combination of leading hardware components and innovative software refinements.

On KOY Network, the GoodBlock team is able to take things to the next level, thanks to its private design. With public Antelope blockchains, throughput needs to be optimized to accommodate the speeds of the slowest node on the network. This puts a significant ceiling on the network’s ability to scale effectively. Because KOY Network is a private network, all nodes can be optimized to the maximum specifications for effective throughput.

The GoodBlock team plans to implement similar design choices to their public Antelope node across all private nodes on KOY. With this in mind, the team estimates that the KOY Network will be up to 4x faster than any other Antelope network. The team will also have the ability to prove this through dedicated mainnet tests as opposed to the testnet tests that other networks utilize. Additionally, this will be showcased with sustained speeds. The goal of all of this is to achieve the accolade of world’s fastest blockchain.

The Unique Economic Advantages of KOYN Utility
GoodBlock has also been heavily supporting the network through tokenomic design for its native token, KOYN. Under Horn’s leadership, the team has developed a series of notable economic improvements that will set the network apart from other economic systems, both in Web3 and traditional finance.

Perhaps the most notable design choice when compared to other Antelope chains is that KOYN is not an inflationary token. There is 1 Billion KOYN in existence and there will always be only 1 Billion KOYN. A key reason this is possible is because, unlike most other networks, KOYN is not utilized as payment for network validators. Instead, service providers will pay KOYN Network outside the system for the network resources. This allows the value of KOYN to be dictated strictly by its unique utility and not as a means to pay infrastructure providers.

The utility of KOYN is quite unique in that it acts as an atomic intermediate trading token for value exchange between local currencies in Africa. Again, thanks to the network’s private design, the economic system is able to achieve new functions that are not possible on public blockchains, with transaction rewards being returned to token holders through staking rewards. Also unique to KOYN is a fund where, every day, KOY Network sets a daily price for KOYN, based on government exchange rates in local jurisdictions across Africa. This fund will then be available to buy back KOYN at 5% below the daily exchange rate. This is part of an automatic fund that will grow overtime in order to maintain reserves for this function. This greatly reduces the volatility of KOYN, making it even more effective from a utility standpoint. Between the lack of an inflationary mechanism, the ability to sell KOYN back to the network at any time, and an attractive staking rewards program, GoodBlock designed KOYN to stand out when compared to other network tokens.

KOYN Token Fair Sale
We’ve had many people in our community and the Antelope ecosystem asking how they can acquire the KOYN token that powers the network. The KOY team is currently running a token presale to allow those interested to access the token at a competitive rate.

In order to honor the founders roots in the Antelope ecosystem, the team is running #AntelopeAccess, a program where people can join the KOY Telegram channel and swap their Antelope based tokens for KOYN. Once that program ends, a token sale — called Fair Sale — will be opened up from the KOY Network website, which will take USDT from the Ethereum blockchain.

Join the #KOYNLaunchParty for a Chance to Win 200 KOYN!
To celebrate the launch of KOYN and GoodBlock’s involvement in the upcoming launch of the network, we are running a contest for our community! We will be giving away 10 prizes of 200 KOYN.

Here’s what you need to do to enter for a chance to win:

  • Go to and learn all about what makes KOY so unique.
  • Head to our X Profile and find our pinned Tweet.
  • Like the Tweet.
  • Comment on the Tweet and Tag 3 Friends.
  • Quote Tweet the Tweet, and write what you love about KOY Network with the hashtag #KOYNLaunchParty.

Each action will grant you one additional entry in the contest, which will run from September 26 to October 3 at 4:00pm UTC, and winners will be announced on October 6.

The #KOYNLaunchParty is Just Getting Started!
We hope our community is just as excited as we are for this new milestone in Antelope innovation. GoodBlock is grateful to be a part of such an epic project alongside a talented community of builders. Stay tuned for more articles soon where we’ll be diving into both the economic design and technical advantages of the KOY Network, as well as the massive impact it will have on the continent of Africa.

Don’t forget to take part in the #KOYLaunchParty contest for a chance to win 200 KOYN. If you don’t win, those interested will still be able to acquire KOYN through the KOYN presale, which is coming soon.

Be sure to follow GoodBlock on Twitter to stay in the loop on all the latest news from KOY Network, dStor, decide and more.

GoodBlock Technologies is an app developer and Block Producer candidate on the Telos Blockchain Network, with a focus on 2 of the pillars of Web3.0; Governance ( and Decentralized Cloud Storage ( Vote for goodblocktls, and learn more at

KOY Network is a distributed ledger system designed to support smartphone apps serving Africa and its diaspora situated across the globe. Learn more at

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GoodBlock Twitter: @goodblockio
dStor Twitter: @dStor_cloud
decide® Voter App Twitter: @decide_Voter


KOY Network Twitter: @KoyNetwork

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or legal advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects involves risks, and readers are encouraged to conduct their research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions. GoodBlock and KOY Network do not endorse or provide investment recommendations for any specific cryptocurrency or token.

Originally published at

