Telos Weekly Report — August 9th, 2019

More Good Stuff for Telos

7 min readAug 10, 2019


This past week for GoodBlock and the Telos Core Devs feels like we are once again back in those last few weeks before the Telos mainnet launch. The development is fast and furious as we work on a number of really exciting and groundbreaking projects. Telos is about to make a very significant sprint forward in terms of capabilities and tokenomics. It is going to establish a lot of leadership in the EOSIO and general blockchain world.

Tokenomics: With the passage of the Telos Economic Development Plan, we are about to have more funds to use for building and promoting the chain as well as very significant staking to attract new users and hopefully lift the token price. Staking rewards is an efficient way to attract new users to a project and we hope that many of those investors who come for the high yield from REX will stay and engage with the other Telos components. The fact that Telos will also become a 0% inflation chain for a few years is another tokenomics win in the blockchain world.

Trail 2.0: We are in the midst of a major update in the Telos Trail voting system that will enable just about any token on Telos to be able to easily use these voting and polling features. Not only can any dapp add these features with minimal development, but the features, themselves, are expanding. Trail 2.0 adds more types of ballots and light ballots, that are highly configurable to any app’s specific needs. This is a big advance over where Trail 1.0 was — and it was already the most advanced blockchain governance toolkit in existence. We are already seeing projects like SEEDS coming to Telos due to these features. And more such projects are talking with us now. The world has been waiting for blockchain governance to become easy, and we are doing it on Telos.

dStor: Telos has had its IPFS system since before our mainnet launch and we use it regularly for governance documents, but we have long been building a much more effective and expansive decentralized data storage service. And now we feel we are getting very close to something that’s ready for general use. While IPFS is good technology, what we are building goes beyond it in many ways. For example, we believe that there’s a novel method of preventing DDoS attacks on our storage using this approach. And we will be able to resolve domain names from it too, not long after launch. Think about if all of your Internet data storage needs — including web hosting — could be handled via our decentralized storage for a small amount of TLOS. That’s where we are going right now.

Several Telos BPs are working together to bring this expanded system to life right now. It’s such a big change from old IPFS, in fact, that we are renaming the service to Telos dStor. We think it better reflects the idea of decentralized storage for many users than “InterPlanetary File Service.” Unlike every decentralized storage project I know of, Telos dStor will not need any special token for use. Everything can be paid using TLOS. dStor works exclusively with Telos and is going to be a major differentiator to any app that needs to store files — and what app doesn’t need to store files?

The flurry of Telos core coding activity is very fun to be involved with again. Developers are starting to come to Telos for the unique features we have and now we’re about to make more of them.

Go Telos!

— Douglas Horn

Here’s what happened this week:

  • EOSza Launches South African Rand Stablecoin on Telos
  • Telos Podcast #6 Featuring Douglas Horn
  • Telos Testnet Update from TCD
  • 3 Steps to 30% REX Rewards Article Released

EOSza Launches South African Rand Stablecoin on Telos

This week, BP candidate EOSza launched the first South African Rand stablecoin in the world on the Telos blockchain. This will allow users almost instant p2p transfers and transactions using the eZAR are free. eZAR is launched by CoolX wallet developers EOSza, in partnership with financial service providers, and is currently only available from the CoolX wallet on Android and Apple. Read the press release from EOSza at

Next week’s episode of The Telos Podcast is set to feature Rory Mapstone, founder of the eZAR stablecoin, so stay tuned for that episode on YouTube.

Telos Podcast #6 Featuring Douglas Horn

The latest episode of the Telos Podcast features GoodBlock’s Douglas Horn this week in a deep-dive discussion about Telos, titled “7 Reasons Telos is Undervalued.” In this episode, Douglas and Brandon cover all sorts of Telos topics, including EDNA, IPFS (dStor), the Telos Core Devs, REX launch, and more. The Telos Podcast is fully funded by the Telos Worker Proposal System and is hosted by Brandon “Happy Money Man” on YouTube. Naturally, this is not financial or investment advice, but it does illustrate a lot of positive developments on Telos right now that don’t seem to be reflected in its token price. Watch the full video below.

Telos Testnet Update from TCD

On July 26th, the Telos Core Devs reported about their work investigating the corrupted ‘producers’ table on the Telos testnet that required a full restoration of the testnet. The root cause of the issue has now been discovered to be a structure difference in the ‘producers’ table compared to the mainnet version. As the main function of a testnet is to replicate the mainnet as closely as possible so that code testing can be expected to perform identically to the mainnet, the TCD and Telos block producers are busy creating a new testnet to replace the current one so that code testing may continue as soon as possible.

“Periodic replacement of the Telos testnet is expected and needed to prune unnecessarily large storage files that result from prolonged operation of the testnet.”

The full press release can be found on GoodBlock’s Medium Publication here.

3 Steps to 30% REX Rewards Article Released

The Telos community has been getting amped up about REX staking and rewards, and to add fuel to the fire, GoodBlock published an article this week with instructions on how to earn your T-REX staking rewards. In order to receive REX, you must be actively voting for at least 21 block producers, or proxy your votes to any Telos voting proxy. One million TLOS tokens will be distributed to T-REX per month by the TEDP, and any account can take advantage of it.

The TCD and Telos BPs are expecting REX to be ready within 2 weeks, so read up on the 3 steps to REX Rewards before it starts so you’re in-the-know!

Worker Proposals of Note


Platform-Independent Snapshots in Chronicle (#25)
Voting closes: Sat Sep 7th 16:14 UTC
50,000.0000 TLOS in 1 cycle to ‘cc32dnineexp’ to implement platform-independent snapshots for long-term archiving.
Yes: 11,594 | No: 0 | Abstain: 0

Ending Soon:

Telos Core Development: Sqrl Wallet (#22)
Voting closes: Sat Aug 10th 15:27 UTC
125,000.0000 TLOS in 1 cycle to ‘’ as pay for past development work already performed on the Sqrl wallet.
Yes: 6,357,436 | No: 403,834 | Abstain: 756,430

Telos Promotion and Outreach (#10) (cycle 4 of 12)
Voting closes: June 15th 15:54 GMT +0100
15,000.0000 TLOS in 12 cycles to ‘tlspromotion’ for past and future work promoting the Telos Network with articles and YouTube videos.
Yes: 4,409,044 | No: 469,114 | Abstain: 0

Ended and Passed!

Catering for FREE 1-day EOSIO Blockchain Developer Workshop in London (#21)
Voting closes: Friday Aug 9th 10:31 UTC
20,000.0000 TLOS in 12 cycles to ‘dacblockstalk’ for sponsoring meals at an EOSIO developer workshop in London for blockchain developers, software engineers and computer scientists.

Telos Promotional Animated Videos (#19) (Cycle 2 of 3)
Voting closes: Tuesday August 6th 19:23 UTC
30,000.0000 TLOS in 1 cycle to ‘marketing101’ to fund a series of one minute promotional videos about the Telos Blockchain.

Telos YouTube and Website Promotion (#18)(Cycle 3 of 12)
Voting closes: Tuesday August 8th 19:33 UTC
20,000.0000 TLOS in 12 cycles to ‘promotetelos’ to promote Telos on the HodlEOS Youtube channel,, and

Don’t forget to re-cast your vote for WPs that last multiple cycles. This feature helps to keep longer-term WPs accountable for deliverables, and let voters decide whether they think the WP is still of value to the network.

This week’s active multi-cycle WPs include:
Aggressive Telos Enterprise Solutions contacting for Cities and Towns in the United States! (#23) (Cycle 1 of 12)
Telos Promotional Animated Videos (#19) (Cycle 2 of 3)
Telos YouTube and Website Promotion (#18) (Cycle 2 of 12)
The Telos Podcast — Professional YouTube Show & Podcast (#16) (Cycle 3 of 6)
Telos Marketing Proposal (#13) (Cycle 4 of 4)
Telos Promotion and Outreach (#10) (Cycle 4 of 12)
SteemChurch Telos Expansion(#4) (Cycle 6 of 6)

If you haven’t downloaded the newest version of Sqrl (1.0.12), you can find it here.

We believe the worker proposal system is a big part of what makes Telos great, and highly encourage you to make your voice heard by voting responsibly on the governance of this blockchain.

About the author: Douglas Horn is the Telos architect and whitepaper author, and the founder of GoodBlock, a block producer and app developer for the Telos Blockchain Network.

More about GoodBlock can be found at:

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Vote for GoodBlock on the Telos Blockchain Network @goodblocktls

