Goodpay from Goodbox

Goodbox App
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2016

Goodpay is a very helpful feature from Goodbox that lets you accept payments from your customers easily. Start collecting payments on mobile in seconds! Please feel free to visit our website here.

“I love Goodpay. It allowed me to collect payments from customers who order home delivery. I also asked customers I hadn’t met for long to pay me without calling them. Just sent a payment request and pat came the money. No more EDC machine for me!”

Page content

  • How it works
  • What can I use Goodpay for?
  • Real life use cases for Goodpay
  • Contact us

How it works

  1. Enable payments on your Goodbox Partner App. If payments are enabled for you, you are eligible to use this feature right away. Just make sure you have the updated app
  2. Visit the ‘Dashboard’ tab of the Goodbox Partner App and enter the mobile number of the customer, the amount you wish to request from your customer and any customer identifier — name, address, e-mail etc.

3. The customer gets an SMS from Goodbox requesting them make a payment to your business.

→ Non-Goodbox customer: If the customer doesn’t have the app, they get a weblink. They can click on that and make a payment WITHOUT downloading the app.

→ Current Goodbox customer: If the customer is a current Goodbox app customer, the link in the SMS gets them to your store in the app and requests them to pay you on the app.

SMS requesting for a payment
Payment weblink for non-Goodbox users

4. You can click on the ‘Check previous requests’ button and view the status of your payment requests — whether or not customers have paid your dues. If the customer hasn’t paid the amount, you can chat with them and remind them again. If the customer pays the amount, it will update your request and show the status as paid. It’s that easy!

What can I use Goodpay for?

  1. Credit: Some businesses extend credit to their customers and collect payments at the end of the month. If you are one of those businesses, you can send payment links to your customers and they can clear their due to you immediately. They will be sent a link to download the Goodbox app over SMS. They can download the app and pay you. Once the payment is made it will intimate you over SMS and the Goodbox Partner App.
  2. Advance payment: If your customer has ordered from another city, you can’t send in an EDC machine. You would like to receive an advance payment before you dispatch the product. In such cases it’s very easy to use Goodpay. Send your customer a payment link and get them to pay you over the Goodbox App.
  3. Home delivery: Most customers now prefer to pay online instead of cash. For customers who have requested for a home delivery, you can now offer online payments through Goodpay. You can send them the payment link and request to pay you using the link. If the customer already has the Goodbox app, they will get an SMS as well as an in-app notification, taking them directly to the payment request.

Goodpay Real-Life Use Cases

  1. Monthly payment collection — Newspaper agency: SV newspaper agency used to visit 900+ apartments houses to collect monthly payments from their customers. They started using Goodpay to send payment requests to their customers and started receiving payments without visiting their customers and disturbing them on a Sunday. Most customers now pay the agency over Goodbox. SV agency has saved a lot of time and effort and now just visit a few houses that haven’t paid yet.
  2. Credit payments — Supermarket: Galaxy Mart supermarket extends credit to its customers and collects payments from them every month when the customer visits the store. They found it embarrassing to keep asking customers to pay the credit. They started using Goodpay to send requests over the mobile and customers started paying online, reducing Galaxy Mart’s receivables and simplifying their efforts of requesting for payments and keeping track of unpaid customers.
  3. Home delivery — Papa John’s Pizza: Change issues at the customer doorstep were a regular hassle for Papa John’s delivery boys. Now Papa John’s sends them a payment request using Goodpay and customers can make advance payments to Papa John’s on Goodbox. Papa John’s delivery boys need not haggle with customers for change issues anymore.

Many such businesses are using Goodpay for their own payment pain points. You can do it for your business too.

Contact us for queries

Activate online payments on your Goodbox Partner App and get rolling. Call (080) 45133500 for queries!

