Marketing your Mini App

Goodbox App
Published in
5 min readJan 11, 2016


You probably just created your Mini App and want to start inviting your customers to buy from you directly. Here’s some advice:

Contents of page

  • Share your Mini App with customers
  • How your customers can use your Mini App
  • Tips to market your Mini App through Goodbox
  • Download branding material
  • Contact us

Share your Mini App with customers

You can invite your customers very easily using the Goodbox Partner App.

Click on ‘Invite my customers’ in the Goodbox Partner app’s home screen. You will see your Goodbox Mini App link mentioned there. You also get an e-mail with your Mini App link as soon as you create your mini app. If you have difficulty finding your Mini App link , please chat with the Goodbox support team at any point of time.

The Mini App link directs your customers to your business’ Mini App inside the Goodbox app. If they don’t have the Goodbox app, they will be taken to the Playstore and once they download the app, they will be taken directly to your business’ Mini App.

Go to “Invite my customers”

Your Mini App link is →<My-business-miniapp-ID>/

How your customers can use your Mini App

  1. Chat to enquire: Your customers can chat with you directly for any queries they may have. Customers these days want to keep their identity private. Goodbox respects the privacy of your users and doesn’t share it with you (unlike WhatsApp) without their permission. This makes it a preferred channel of communication for your consumers.
  2. View Menu: If your business has a menu, your customers can view the menu and get an understanding of your offering & prices. Each menu item can have an associated picture of the product/service. Customers can use the menu to place an order.
  3. Chat to buy: Consumers love WhatsApp and the ability to simply chat for their needs. On Goodbox, they can chat with you directly and place an order over chat.
  4. Pay on app: Your customers can now pay you on the app itself (assuming you’ve enabled online payments on Goodbox). They can either pay you using a credit / debit card, net banking or via cash on delivery. Your customer is offered every flexibility they’d love. These payments are settled on a T+1 basis with you.
  5. Pay before or after: Customers are given the flexibility to pay either before or after delivery — whatever your business would like to offer as a service.
  6. Get Offers: You can notify your exiting customers with offers. The offers can also be viewed by potential customers when they view your Mini App on Goodbox.

Tips to Market your Mini App through Goodbox

  • Tell existing Goodbox users: We have a feature in the Goodbox Partner app that helps you automatically send an app notification to your customers about your business on Goodbox, if they already have the Goodbox App. If they call you on the number where the Goodbox Partner App is installed, they will get this notification from your business automatically. By enabling this feature, you can easily let existing Goodbox users know that your business now has a Mini App. Click on “Tell existing Goodbox users” in the “Invite my Customers” page and enable the feature. This feature is free.
Notify exiting Goodbox customers
  • Automated SMS from your phone: Another feature available in the Goodbox Partner app lets you SMS every customer who calls you on the phone where the Partner app is installed. This SMS is sent from your phone and only goes to a customer twice. Go to the settings in your Partner app and enable ‘Invite SMS for incoming calls’. When you enable this feature, every person who calls you will get an SMS from you informing them that you now have a Mini App, along with a download link to your Mini App.
Enable “Invite SMS on call” feature
  • Reward Points Program: Rewarding your customers with points (that can be redeemed later) is a great way to build and reward a loyal customer base. Set your reward points program rules with this feature and encourage repeat purchases from existing customers. Go to “Reward Points Program” in the “Invite my Customers” page and enable the feature.
Enable Reward Points Program
  • SMS: You can send out your businesses’ Mini App link as an SMS to all your customers and invite them to start placing orders and paying you online on the Goodbox app. You can try companies like RouteSMS or SMSjunction to send out bulk SMS’.
  • E-mail: You can e-mail your customer database about your Mini App on Goodbox. They can download the Goodbox app here. You can use e-mail marketing tools like Mailchimp to send out these e-mails. If you have a database that’s larger than 2000 then you can try out NetCore or similar such services to send out these e-mails.
  • WhatsApp: If you’d like to share your Mini App with a few select customers, you can do it using WhatsApp as well.
  • Facebook / Twitter: If you have a Facebook / Twitter page, you can update your page and inform your customers about your app presence by sharing your Mini App link with them.
Share your Mini App via multiple channels
  • Shop branding: If you have a physical outlet, you can download various branding elements from below.


Contact us

If you need marketing support from us, we can help you. Write to us on and we’ll be happy to help :)

